Mod installer and public mods

IAMT is not working for .tga files what can I do?(It extracts other files except tga files)

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It doesn’t do that because you won’t be able to edit them anyway without another two tools I was not going to publish.


I can edit and open tga files!
With a code


Here is my mod: TE2V2.CIUMod - Mega
This mod soundtrack with The Escapists 2 soundtrack

At least make IAMT able to extract them even if the can’t be opened.

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Mmm, no, I won’t. We fought for quite some time to decide what to show and what to not, I don’t want to discuss this until iami fix.


You can’t.

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I did it beforeâ˜ș

Then why did you ask for the way?

I need tga files not a way to edit them

Look again.

IAMI v1.3.1 gets released somehow skipping v1.2 because I totaly forgot it was made for local use. In short: it’s now faster and consumes only about 27 megabytes of RAM no matter what mod you’re installing. That might fix crashes for those who have low RAM amount.


v1.3.1 [01.11.2021]

  • Fixed grammar here and there.
  • Temporary files no longer eat a solid 4GB * 2 in case something went wrong,
    and if something goes wrong anyway, removes them at the launch.

v1.3 [31.10.2021]

  • Removed IAMI v1.0 warning about the speed.
  • Now correctly displays Unicode paths (at least it should).
  • Config file is no longer kept opened for the whole installation.
  • Reduced RAM usage (you can use “buffer_size_kb” property in config file to override the default value of 10MB).
  • Removed unnecessary calculations.
  • Installation is now way faster.
    (!) Antiviruses still detect it as a virus for no reason.

v1.2 [12.09.2021]

  • “Open File” windows now use CommonItemDialog instead of OPENFILEDIALOG. (May cause issues, please let me know if it crashes whenever it asks you to select a file).
    Full 1.2 changelog is lost.

How to mod in-game font in CIU? I want to make it cooler

you can’t

only a few selected people have the tool to do that

I thought that it was possible with the public version of IAMT.

Public iamt is for sounds only, at least for now.

I’ve uploaded IAMI 1.3.2 to the Google drive link. It fixes installation of mods which have no description or name, that’s all.


Ima make my own hardcore mod, which will add MUCH extra challenge

where does the game put the .hq2x file on the steam version?