Legendary tracking topic

508+423: Cubic Boron Heat Sink Legend.


Much better! Thanks!

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I’ve created a template we can use for future charts. It’s practically (well, IS) identical to the one Haian uses. I’ll share it here for people to update with locations. Once at least one of each item is located, I will share the finished chart. When the Herowares reset, I will wipe the chart. Please do not make me regret making this public.


I have found epic (324+772)


Oops, forgot to make this editable. Should be now

Yes, I am aware that this is nowhere near complete and loads of things still need to be found. But I figured I’d might as well try to explain the system I have come up with to make searching as painless as possible.

The spreadsheet contains 2 sheets. Sheet1 will contain the tracking chart itself while Sheet2 lists out all 115 Herowares. It looks like this:

My hopes for this system are that if someone searches a Heroware, they will recolour the respective boxes to indicate it’s been searched. This was a late addition to prevent people from unknowingly trying to search a dealership that has already been searched. (This will be effective when the Herowares next reset as again, this was a late addition).

E.g. If I have searched the Attis, Charon and Eurytus dealerships, I will update the table to look like this.

When the Herowares reset, I will reset the sheets, so don’t worry about that.

When all Legendary items have been spotted, I will publish their locations, the completed table soon after.

Of course, this system can only work properly if people remember to actually update Sheet2 so please do so.

I’ll leave the link to the sheet here again, bear in mind that anyone can update the sheet with coordinates so please don’t make me regret entrusting you guys with this. That being said, happy searching!

legendary template.xlsx - Google Sheets


Gonna take a rest from doing mission quests, so I guess I’ll do this to progress the exploration ones


Already logged. And just update the table next time

Here is the completed Legendary chart. The ever-elusive Legendary Hall-Effect and VF-56 have finally been tracked down.



Reset hasn’t happened yet. Maybe later today. Unless the expiration date is incorrect.


Or maybe when a new day starts, then they’ll be reset


Okay, NOW the Herowares have reset. The chart has been wiped clean. Let the search begin!

Remember to indicate any dealerships you’ve searched in Sheet2.

Update: All dealerships surveyed. Search completed.


Leg and Rare chart, expires until 25th December


Oh, Rare Aluminum and Copper only appear twice this time? Or perhaps somebody forgot to log the locations. Eh, if somebody finds a third location the table can be updated.

Good work guys, that was quick :+1:

Anyone can edit the sheet?

It’s right above your post

Yes. I made the sheet public so anyone (as opposed to just one or two people searching) with coordinates can contribute to it rather than flood this channel with images. This rotation search is finished so there’s no need to conduct another.

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It resets until Christmas, perfect timing.