Impossible without Additional Lifes and Superweapon

Fix it please


It’s not.

Its e :b:ic without any extra lives or missiles with these chicks

Record video, i don’t trust you. I saw you, you only stayed in one planet and don’t move more time.

Because I don’t play regular missions often?

All Chicken Invaders Parts didn’t prepare to me for SUPER SUPER SUPER Superstar Hero.
I played all part CI (except 1 part)

Is it part of the current weekly challenge?
[EDIT] And if so, do I need SSH to make it spawn?

Yes and probably yes. I got it on ssh,but not on rookie. Didn’t test other skill levels.

just say thats so e :b:ic and throw a missile.

Oh well. I don’t have SSH so I guess I won’t be able to record it.

@RoboCat It is definitely possible, as I’ve encountered Chicken Roulette with gatlings before and cleared it first try without dying:

Its posible but you need very good technique and hope some chicken to not kill you when you dodge the gatling guns eggs.

Yes,it absolutely is possible. Try what I did in this. It’s definitely possible in every case,and it’ll only be a real issue if you’re actually surrounded by egg barriers. Any other type of barrier shouldn’t really give you too much trouble.

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“Nothing is impossible” some wise man said

I juſt love the vagueneſs of the attribution.

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“Nothing is impossible”. Just surrender lol

It’s doable on SSH without bombs, extra lives, damage boosts or anything else, but it is very difficult, as usually unless you’re boosting and/or have spare satellites, you won’t be able to carve out more room for yourself to manuever before the first volley of eggs goes out.

Just throw away SSH for a mission and go throught the level with Rookie or Veteran.

Ответ отрицательный -_-

Почему нет? SSH создан для того, чтобы сделать лёгкие миссии сложными, а сложные — почти невозможными. Если закупиться всяким барахлом, то можно пройти. А если не хочется закупаться, то можно просто поставить сложность ниже.

Я ни разу не попадал в Топ-10 по еженедельному заданию, мне бы хотя бы на последнее место попасть. Да один раз я понижал сложность и прошел все 100 волн, но в топ я не попал…