How you got to know chicken invaders universe?

I want to know how you got to know chicken invaders universe.That’s why I created this thread.
Since this is my first theme i can only make a simple theme like this. I hope to be welcomed by many people.

  • From relatives, friends and people around
  • Recommended by google
  • Find it yourself on the internet
  • None of the above (Leave a comment to let us know)

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Last summer I was so bored and had too much free time so I wanted to play the CI series again. I went to Google trying to download it. I wondered if there’s CI6 and tried to search for it. CIU came up and I was shocked knowing it had been existed for years before :smiley:


This classic arcade series is pre-installed in many computer labs that I studied in. This game and this company is unpopular, I just randomly went to Chicken Invaders Fandom in 2016-2017 and it says “there will be a new game in 2018”. This was of course unofficial and only a prediction, but I checked again in 2018 and there is just a link there to the official spin-off: this website.

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Back in 2019, I was searching on youtube for “nostalgic” stuff. I asked myself “hmmm, what’s the game me and my dad played when I was still in the kindergarten”. I searched something like “game where you shoot chickens”, then I got the name, I searched “Chicken Invaders” on youtube and there is a new CI game in development! I was shocked that this game still alive!

And here I am, in 2022 (2122), served UHF for 3 years now :smiley:


I knew about it thanks to being part of the community for a very long time so I just kept up with news and enerything.


was watching “ci5 all bosses” by bcmediaplayer and saw ciu videos pop up in my recommendeds and i was like “what??? a new ci game?? hell yeah!!” that was in 2019


In 2019, I was looking at ci videos (how to get hen solo’s ship in ci4)
And then I found a video that was a gameplay of ciu.
I searched internet and I found this out.
After playing for 5 months I suddenly lost my account (I still don’t know how did that happen) and I was so depressed that I left the game. And then again in 2020 I was watching a video about ciu, I looked down at suggested videos that I saw there is an egg cannon video. I clicked at it and saw that “wow my god look at this! Wtf was going in these months!” That video was: The egg cannon cannon cannonade. And I quickly turned my laptop on, went to IA’s website, downloaded ciu and started a new life in the game.
After some months I joined the forum and found many friends here.

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In 2021 year while on vacation in my “digital painting” class, I’ve been scouring Steam for nostalgic games. And when I typed the title game, it saw a game like CIU. As soon as I saw it, at the speed of light (not literally) I decided to play it and after a few days I liked it so much that I decided to buy CHL and I still play it today. :+1:

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I playing Chicken invaders for very long time and every day I was checking if interactions studio making a new game. after along time sense CI5 release I found CIU trailer in Youtube and checked that is not a fan game I found CIU Site and download it in 2019.

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Thanks for letting me know. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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