How to enable "Party like it's 2002" mode? Here's how you do it (UPDATED!)

Standalone version

This is for how you get that mode to work on standalone versions. For steam, scroll down.

If you have Chicken Invaders Universe shortcut on your desktop, simply, right click it and click properties.
Go to target, and after the quotes add -2002mode.
Now click Ok and launch CIU
Should be like this
Do the same thing if you have CIU pinned on your taskbar, simply right click it, then right click Chicken Invaders Universe coming out then follow steps above.

In case you don’t have a CIU shortcut on your desktop, go to C:\Program Files\ChickenInvadersUniverse (If you have 32-bit Windows) or, C:\Program Files (x86)\ChickenInvadersUniverse (If you have a 64-bit Windows)
Right click CIU.exe (or normally, CIU) there, Right click it and select Copy, go to desktop, right click empty space and select Paste shortcut. Then do all steps above with the new shortcut.


On steam it's way more simple. Select Chicken Invaders Universe from your Steam library (Right click it then properties simple) then click the Cog icon found on your right, then click properties

In general tab, add -2002mode to the launch options.

(The image is outdated. Change “2002test” to “2002mode”)

Close the window, then Launch CIU.

And done!

Disabling the "Party like it's 2002" mode.

Similar to steps above, in either Target/launch options, remove the -2002mode then apply your settings then launch CIU.

If all steps were done correctly, the game should look like this

(The game shouldn’t be running, if it’s running, it wouldn’t update, restart the game.)


I did it by opening a terminal in the CIU Program Files directory and running the command ciu -2002test.


This works too. What I said was simply the very simple stuff you should do to get that to work quickly.

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if i try to Off it how i can do it


I think he’s asking how to disable -2002test.

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