Sometimes weather goes crazy…
Extreme Environments are missions that only exists in either inferno, sun or frozen wasteland. They’re your ordinary classic invasions but…with a twist
Hot Environments
Mission name: Hellfire
Default tier requirements: 60
Hellfire is a hot environment-themed mission. In this mission, you are literally in the planet, all hot elements here are at hell level. following positive and negative:
- “Sunlights” appear from all sides
- Your weapon overheats 50% faster
- Overheat takes 6 seconds to cool down
- Overheating too much (>10 times) will kill you (unless you bring your coolants)
- Hot & Metal weapons +50% damage
Frozen Environments
Mission name: Frigid
Default tier requirements: 40
Frigid is a frozen environment-themed mission. In this mission, (almost) everything is absolute zero. Weapons are weaker, temperature goes down over -1000 Celsius. Following positive and negative:
- Frozen layer reforms faster. Standing still will also freeze where you at. Frozen layer is also thicker unlike normal layer, from harder to unable see.
- Hot weapons damage decreased by 25%
- Less heat = less damage for all weapons (can decrease 75% of current damage)
- Heat capacity increased by 100%
- Weapon cooldown 125% faster
- All items fall slower