Even more environmental effects

You know what forget about all of this

I gave up

Eccc is really easy, even in higher difficulties, only thing that could make it very hard is a massive enviroment

I meant if reverse control in the magnet environment was un fair too him

The canonade boss should be also unfair to him

Sorry for losing my temper

Guys sorry for losing my temper i should have explained better but
Pidgey being funny made me lose my temper

eccc is relatively easy
reverse movement is in another situation, most of your movements to avoid becomes much harder
“I love games that are heavily based around dodging projectiles, because it adds a replayability and skill ceiling that most hitscan gameplay can’t achieve.” (this sentence was stolen)
Though chicken invaders is just a “shoot 'em up” kind of game you may still need to dodge too, it’s a factor to determine your skill

The eccc is easy for me even in massive environments with px

I don’t think it is hard at all

eccc at higher difficulty is even more easier than the normal ec with the same high difficulty itself

Uh, @AhmedDM Wouldn’t it be cool if you returned back to the forums when you can write?

Reverse controls for games works in some circumstances - namely, where it’s a brief debuff/mind control type effect. It should only mess with you for about as long as it takes to realise what’s happening and account for it, then it flips back and messes with you again.

It’d be a terrible fit for Chicken Invaders, though, given the relatively instantaneous movement of the spaceship.


I mean, it’s terrible for all games that use it, but in some of them you at least have separate movement and attack and here in CI we need to move to the place where we want to shoot so it would be evil. Maybe it can be added as a testing feature that happens only when you mount it on the spaceship and we could see how it looks.

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Something like a cursed engine?


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