Episode 4 BETA

Same thing, for Episode 4.

During the BETA, you can unlock the Episode for free. However, note that once you unlock there is no way to re-lock it (except deleting your game data folder at C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIep4), so please make sure you sufficiently test it in its locked state first.

Episodes will not include any on-line functionality. The BETA version does require connection to the server, however (the official release will not).

Episodes use some new text phrases, which are (obviously) not translated yet. Translations will appear within CIU in the next update, so you can translate them there.

You can skip/warp around waves: Press SHIFT+keys 0-9, -, = to set chapter (from 1 to 12), or press 0-9 keys to set wave in chapter (from 1 to 10).

You can also press Ctrl+K to add 100 keys (only works on screens where your key balance is displayed). Try not to use this from the beginning. First play the game normally and get a feel about how easy it is to earn keys. An important part of the BETA is calibrating prices to reasonable values, and you can’t do that if you use this cheat.

Please report your experiences here.

:arrow_down: Download the BETA from: https://universe.chickeninvaders.com/files/CIep4_BETA_v13_1_0.zip


yee :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: let’s see this is what I’m waiting for thesee days!

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how’s bro making these so fast

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already do that last year!! remember this is just some kind of update



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i wanna ask a question. ^
when i download the link |
does it download only ci4u or ciu and ciu4

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the tutorial uses ciu’s heat gauge, this wouldn’t be a problem except you changed it to ci4’s

very accurate outlining

ci3 chicken detected (or does ci4 use the same chicken/sprite)

very blinding aura (the glare/light is pretty big)

also am i the only one who thinks the “episode 4” text looks a bit cursed

game died (urgent ping i guess @InterAction_studios)

should this still have a price tag

very cursed idle exhaust

pink shield be like

my game crashed after beating wave 30 (another urgent ping i guess @InterAction_studios)

i can still continue the mission, but no chapter 4 cutscene

stage tips can be seen fading out when proceeding to the next chapter

this probably (kind of) applies to every difficulty, because even in ssh, bosses’ projectiles are slow as fuck

shouldn’t there be turkeys here


what about fortune teller I mean there’s nothing theat could integrate from there except the wave insight!
what I could say I know very well the wave sequence from all the episodes! but it sometink that I like from the universe! so it is possible to integrate maybe with one of the huds!?

Finally, something worth playing.

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It’s beautiful, I love your work, but add multiple versions like CI3/CI4/CI5All respect to you

it appears in chicken multiplicity so yes

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How come the text cache cuts the glyph out but the shadow survives?

Also I really really hope that the UI elements from the episodes will be purchasable in CIU. I missed that funky heat gauge.

The arrow struggles to make itself visible.

Can the space between the caption and the title be increased a bit?


Where is the planehen hen solo :warning::sob:

What do you mean?? PlasmaX literally just took a screenshot of the new hensolo

can anybody tell me

why? :smiling_face_with_tear: I really want to cusmize hen-solo


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Maybe I don’t understand something, but the Rookie difficulty feels absurdly easy, and the only thing that makes it a bit hard is the fact that weapon overheats almost instantly.


Oh, look, a checkbox that’d totally not do anything and it’d especially not make Hen Solo appear as a wingman in Chapter 2.
(obligatory /s by the way, I used the Hungarian language)

Completing the tutorial mission should not unlock Chapter 2.

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