Episode 3 BETA

Same thing, for Episode 3.

During the BETA, you can unlock the Episode for free. However, note that once you unlock there is no way to re-lock it (except deleting your game data folder at C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIep3), so please make sure you sufficiently test it in its locked state first.

Episodes will not include any on-line functionality. The BETA version does require connection to the server, however (the official release will not).

Episodes use some new text phrases, which are (obviously) not translated yet. Translations will appear within CIU in the next update, so you can translate them there.

You can skip/warp around waves: Press SHIFT+keys 0-9, -, = to set chapter (from 1 to 12), or press 0-9 keys to set wave in chapter (from 1 to 10).

You can also press Ctrl+K to add 100 keys (only works on screens where your key balance is displayed). Try not to use this from the beginning. First play the game normally and get a feel about how easy it is to earn keys. An important part of the BETA is calibrating prices to reasonable values, and you can’t do that if you use this cheat.

Please report your experiences here.

:arrow_down: Download the BETA from: https://universe.chickeninvaders.com/files/CIep3_BETA_v13_1_0.zip


well that’s really swift i must say, assuming most of the stuff with ciep2 is done for


Woah so suprising, CIEP3

Are you going to release all Episodes game application in a same time?

and then be overwhelmed with bug reports and ideas sure

i can see iA is doing the CI episode remake speedrun

can you make the ui slightly brighter? i think it’s a bit too dark


Dunno if this is normal or not, but at the beginning of the mission (where you start with 10 FP Lightning Fryer), the boss music plays when “Prologue” text appears and not when “Show’em who’s boss!” text appears.

the heat bar gradient doesnt look good with the CIU style coloring, can it be more like the old game?

the bonuses also look wrong compared to the old ones

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Well, i can say…
If we did for CI2 DLC as well as we can, all other CI DLC will be more easier to do. Because each DLC game application will use the same setting, and also the mission setting (almost).

Did i say true, iA?

Red herring cuisine should be unlockable, since it was taken from CI3


This so perfect
Episode 3 BETA Has Created
Next Week
Episode 4 BETA

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forks are no longer the super secret weapon :pensive:


the credits should include the quality assurance people from the original game


text and color theme are very shadowed (not bright)

bonuses should be translucent, just like the original

unlocking the game during the startup mission exits the mission on its own

why’s it 50%

if you turn on “high-contrast text” during the startup mission your mission score won’t get impacted by the setting

suggested and denied

what the dog doin’

if you decide to keep him, give him a lighter blue shirt

very big text bubble

also aren’t these supposed to be circular?

chickens that drop coins should have a checkered shirt

is mysterious ship supposed to have a warning before its first attack?

same as heatbar, it’s quite dark
a bit brighter and should be good

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Can the orange wire laser cannon gift box be changed to a yellow wire box?

i put both side by side, the ui just needs to be a bit brighter or transparent and it’s all good

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Shall this be go as “Half Specials” with an icon with multiple specials?

My idea is to add the feature of eating 100 food to get a 1 special weapon