Early Access version 99

How do you nerf it so that people can’t get anymore score and keys?


It’s fine. Thank you for letting me know


I notice that Armored Chickens and Chick Gatling/Laser Guns worth 11k and 13k, and Chickenauts and Slobs worth 20k and 25k (not including food)! Shouldn’t those enemy types worth a similar score?

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About the problem like yesterday. I think we should nerf ICBM (just for damaging Slob Chicken). Or we can remove Slob Chicken out of wave 1 of a mission. I mean, not remove all, just 40 Slobs in first stage (expect mission one-stage, mission one-stage we can meet a full Slob wave just from wave 4 or more).
That’s my suggestion, idk how do you think about this? What’s your suggestions about this?

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I think uh the win/loss/surrender should have something to do, like a cap when you reach the conditions, like winning 1k missions with less than 25 losses to earn some keys?
there’s people who tries to get as least loss/surrender as possible, as much as possible, purposely losing/surrendering just because a portion didnt go as planned, or to get a beautiful number then tries to not lose/surrender from then on,…
It’s not treated the same for every player

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@InterAction_studios is this intended, i see a person that is well away from my location, that is not on my contacts list.

i am assuming this person just went there

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where are they

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im back

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The fact that there’s no motivation kind of solves this problem, imo. League is pointless - it’s a fun but utterly inconsequential contest, and it should stay that way.

Your score in League means nothing. If you’re worried about losing it because you’re taking a break, that’s not really a rational thing to be concerned about, to be honest. It’s not like there are medals or rewards or… anything for getting a good score. It’s functionally identical to the rest of the game, just with a little number next to your username that goes up and down. I don’t get why people find it so stressful or feel like it needs a change. If you don’t like it, ignore it.

Unoriginality should affect keys, but not points.

If you’re really being accused unjustly (as is apparently the case) then the way you’re responding to everyone is really embarrassing, to the degree that it’s borderline incriminating. We’re talking about three hours of playing a video game (y’know, a fun pastime that we’re priviliged to have), where you’re apparently guiltless and therefore at no risk of being banned.

On no planet is that amount of “time” or “hard work” worth half the verbal abuse you’ve been throwing at the relatively reasonable forum suspicions. You’re asking to get a ban just by account of how you’re treating the rest of the playerbase. Play nice, please.

Don’t feud with him like this, it helps nobody. Entertaining the taunts is only serving to validate his misconduct.

Breathe. Think before you type. This is a stranger on the internet who did nothing to you personally and who you’ll probably never meet again. Don’t bite the bait, and you’ll feel much better for it. :+1:

there’s a serious problem with this post
when i click the like button twice it just unlikes instead
iA please fix


Not really. Not everyone’s going to play competitively, and if I don’t want to, it feels kinda bad seeing messages saying “oops you didn’t respond in time to the dare, there go x of your points”. And then when people see my league score, they’ll think I’m a garbage player because I have less than the starting amount of points when I just didn’t feel like responding to them.
I just wish there was a damn option to opt out.
It’s not just me, there was a poll at some point and a vast majority of people wanted to be able to opt out of it so clearly it’s not just my issue.

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Yeah, I’m clearly in the minority who isn’t bothered by it. A proper opt out would probably be beneficial.

Still, it’s worth pointing out that it’s just a psychological thing. League score is not a great indicator of actual game skill - player stats and leaderboards are a bit of a better suggestion of that.

EDIT: Unrelated question for someone. If I collect 90% food/coins in a wave, but only after the game awards medals for that wave, do I miss the medal or does it credit in the next wave? Or something else?

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In my opinion, it may be counted in the next wave/stage.

Apparently, there is a guy named the Yolk-Star! who has got 2B score without making it to the top 100 waves or 100 flight time. Is this guy using my exploit, @InterAction_studios?


I think playing DT, Boss rush…

he just playing ironman

He played less than 243 waves yesterday


I think everything you pick up after career medals are awarded counts as picking them up during the next wave.

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I think something like League can be something with rewards as well as something you can opt out of: consider Pacifist Mode for MvM in Bloons Monkey City. You can engage with the MvM if you want to but you can freely opt out of it with no downsides whatsoever. League should be like that, I feel


the mode where you don’t get bloons sent by a player to you after 3 days of not sending?

yeah, i remember it like that