Early Access version 99

Actually, I have hosted a multiplayer room once, and my players are still able to chat

Remember this, medals is awarded to the one who is worthy. You can’t just be that seflish.
If you want that medal so badly, ok then. TRY TO STEAL THAT MEDAL IF YOU CAN.


I stopped.

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IA, Can you prevent balloon chickens to spawn in “Bubble Ring” waves? When the players damage the balloon chickens (lose balloons) and when falling sometime it apper the bubble make it kind of annoying and lose score

btw this is daily challenge hard


Can’t you already do that by editing your color theme

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it also happens when i equip the default theme so its the game’s fault not mine

imagine wasting 30 keys (100 more if you don’t have a color theme) just for a temporary solution


How you know they define “Enter” as chat key?


I guess enter refers to do the actual chat response command

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Chat key by default is “T”
Maybe i better to say “Starting chat key”


IA, The smog of the snow asteroids is still normal. Can you change it to make it fit with the snow asteroids?

Also this is Daily Mission Easy


how about option (Restart the mission)?

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I mean instead of going out completely from the mission it’s in a simple acronym

Imagine forgot to change the weapon.

what you mean?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I mean something like this in the first wave

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@InterAction_studios, could you implement this for the loadMode too?


This is a picture of the Daily Challenge leaderboard, but I’m making a general suggestion for all “event” type leaderboards. Could we have our own score shown beneath 10th place, if we didn’t qualify for an actual spot? It would be nice to know how we did in comparison to the top players, so we know how close (or far off) we were from placing.

If I’m not mistaken, something similar is done for the Anniversary mission, though I may be misremembering.


Pretty good idea except that it’s been suggested at least two times already:

That example isn’t even the first suggestion, unfortunately, I’m having trouble finding the actual first suggestion.


This part is i think, the only part that does this

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it also does that in the anniversary leaderboard

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