Early Access version 89


This is another minor update with multiplayer groundwork. It also fixes a serious memory corruption bug related to your sorting options in the Missions and the Customize screen. To fix this bug, all user preferences have been reset. Preferences include: Galaxy hamburger menu (smooth zoom, notifications), Galaxy Overlay, tutorial messages.

Also, as soon as you log in, the game will send ~100K worth of data to test the multiplayer infrastructure. If you’re on a broadband connection, this should only take a fraction of a second and you won’t notice anything. If your connection is very poor, however, you might notice some sluggishness until the data is transferred.Please report it if this is the case for you.

Bug/Idea medals will be awarded later in the day. :warning: Your medal cannot be awarded if your in-game callsign doesn’t match your forum name (send it to me in a private message).


You will lose:

  • any in-mission progress
  • all graphics options, which includes your window/borderless/fullscreen setting.
  • if any options have been removed or added to a new version, then all menu options (not just graphics) will be lost.


:new: New features – :bulb: Tweaks – :bug: Bug fixes – :gear: Internal changes

  • :gear: Deleted users who haven’t logged in during the past 4 weeks and have less than an hour of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the past week and have less than 10 minutes of playtime, and also users who haven’t logged in during the 12 months and haven’t set an e-mail.
  • :bug: “Skyscrapers”/“Demolition Crew” wave: Barriers no longer prevent the wave from ending (@Francis :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bug: Missions screen: Fixed memory corruption when sorting buttons were pressed repeatedly. (@ngoinhado :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bug: Fixed Interdimensional portals generating more Balloon chickens even though the previous ones were not dead (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bulb: Key base multiplier for Anniversary is now +100%, and for Hybrid missions (Weekly Challenge, Cup Knockout) +200% (@GuestUniverse :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bulb: Cup missions are now cancellable (@gabytzu :medal_sports: Idea)
  • :bug: League screen: Fixed inconsistent up/down arrow calculations between left-hand items and center league standings (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :gear: Reduced .exe size by removing unnecessary text.
  • :gear: Added multiplayer groundwork (part 2)
  • :bug: Galactic Cup: Knockout percentages are now shown with more precision when <1% (@SA-GoldenBoss128 :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bug: Reset all user preferences in order to fix memory corruption bug. Preferences include: Galaxy hamburger menu (smooth zoom, notifications), Galaxy Overlay, tutorial messages. (@Taubsi :medal_sports: Bug)
  • :bulb: Balloon chickens are no longer removed from their group when damaged. Instead, they are prevented from spawning selectively on waves where they might disappear prematurely when their group is deleted.
  • :bug: “Zigzag” wave: Prevented Balloon chickens from spawning.

v89.2 (server-side fix)

  • :bug: Corrected server kicking players out when trying to fly non-planetary missions (e.g. daily/weekly/league/cup) (@Bigmos49216 :medal_sports: Bug)

v89.3 (server-side fix)

  • :bug: Fixed “Equipment perks” bonus not being correctly applied (@GuestUniverse :medal_sports: Bug)


You are reminded that during Early Access you are responsible for backing up your own progress. Make a copy of everything under C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIU (including all sub-folders). :warning: Never rename files or move them from one version folder to another. Simply make a copy and then later put it back exactly where you found it.


@InterAction_studios, something is wrong here.

When I prepare to play the mission (dare in league), this one above has show up on me. :point_up_2:

Just like “Fly Mission” before enter the session has a bug, after I click it, I was kicked out from in-game and shown this one that I capture it as lost the connection.

Q&A: Another bug, InterAction_studios?

If dares were reset, are you trying to fly the same you tried before the update?
Were they reset at all?

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No, the same dare from old version is still there. :point_down:

And…, the same situation is still on it. :point_up_2:

Only one thing that I have to clear this situation, is wait for tomorrow.

I mean in past I had something similar. If you try to fly the dare which should be labeled as finished or cancelled, you’ll get an error.

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I already see it, I prepare to dare someone on the new one, but it completely error by unknown reason.

I have to wait for see the situation on tomorrow. Perhaps, it will be resolved and I can get back on track without see like this one above.

“Equipment perks” bonus does not work. I was using a H&C 201 in this mission.

Fixed in v.89.2 (server-side fix) :medal_sports: Bug

Fixed in v.89.3 (server-side fix) :medal_sports: Bug


Thanks for a quick reply, once again

Wait, what? Do H&C spacecrafts give you this bonus?

Yes, because they are starter spacecrafts.

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:warning: Rebooting servers to apply v89.3 server-side fix.


Damn, thanks guys. Now I need to get my H&C 101 back. :man_facepalming:

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Looking forward to the official launch of multiplayer mode :grinning:


H&C 301 is 6%

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multiplaye coming pog
but how it will work? you have to be on the same planet or you can invite x player to coop mision?

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Actually, I’m helping a person on my facebook group, I saw that he said he found this bug, so I dared to post it here, but I didn’t post anything around. If it’s a real bug and iA accepts the medal, I don’t own it and it goes to the owner who found the bug.
And now I’m asking him if it’s clearly a bug he found

Curious, IA, have you thought about remastering a few other bosses? like giving them different design/better graphics? The CI3 ones were remastered because their old designs didn’t look as great, but I was wondering if it’s possible to do that for the CI4 bosses as well? (at least the chicken ones) that’s only when you have the time to do it anyway, it’s not that high of a priority.