Early Access version 83

For last time…
WHEN? :rofl:


I think if you kill the chickens while they’re coming into the screen you will get the pecking order bonus. Or in other words, don’t let them make the quadrants.

Indeed (well, almost – you can just about get the 4-group pecking order if you shoot them as they appear). But I don’t have a way to turn Pecking Order on or off per wave.


The mouse does not work to navigate, it only responds to the left and right keys, the “Esc” or “p” keys do not work to pause the game, when pressing the Windows key and returning to the game, “Esc” and "start working p "but the rest does not work, nor the vertical arrows, only the left click shot works. The only way to exit is to press “Alt” + “F4”. I also don’t like that the cursor automatically moves to a preset option, I don’t know if that function can be disabled.


Is Egg Cannon boss in hot environments? If yes, remove it from hot environments due to its red projectiles.

You can use CI4 Retro background to see an yellow background, instead of red.

What about the people who don’t have enough Keys to buy a background?

Backgrounds are not expensive as you think. They can unmount the background, if they don’t have enough keys or too lazy to get more.

Why would you remove that? There is no significant reason for that


Perhaps his monitor doesn’t show them correctly.

I always pick CI5 background in hot environment, which makes the whole screen red. I’m fine with red ions in hot environments. :wink:

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WTF are you taking about? My monitor is working as normal. Nothing happened.

why do you want to remove it from hot enviroments?


This is interference from your joystick/gamepad.

Go to Options → Controls → Joypad → and check “ Ignore all joypads”. Does this solve your problem?

Regardless, please send me your game log so I can investigate some more. You can either:

  1. Find it manually in C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIU\ia\83\CIU.log

  2. Alternatively, press Ctrl+Alt+X at the main menu. The game will close. Restart it and log in fully, and I’ll receive your log automatically.


iA plz check this if possible.

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it’ll make the flute not a flute


Chill out dude. I said “Perhaps”. Also, most of us have no problem with red ions in hot environment. You need to practice. That’s all I can say.

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Thank you very much, now it works very well. :ok_hand:

(Also problem the shortcut “Ctrl + Alt + X” and it did not respond.)
Thank you again.

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Wasn’t ctrl+alt+X thing cut due to space race exploit?

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Because someone abused it to have 17secs in SR Leaderbroads

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?! :face_with_monocle: