Early Access version 76

I don’t know if it even warrants a change for the regular gray asteroids but changing the red asteroids of the red Manipulator to the new red asteroids would be a nice touch.


Yeah, I thought of it at Weekly Challenge, fire magnetic manipulator was the 2nd boss, I lost the screenshot sadly.

Screenshot 2021-04-05 170138
could this be the easter design for slob god? (maybe the colors could be changed to match the slob god color design)

They aren’t

Not aimed at anyone in particular, but before buffing bosses, as yourself a few questions: What makes the boss weaker? Is it too vulnerable to attacks? Does it die too easily? Do its attacks not challenge the player? The point is, to find the main weakness of a boss, and to create a well thought out plan, on buffing it without making it boring (a la helth buff). What is the skill level that you’re proposing changes to? Remember, they’re all interconnected, and previous skill levels should prepare one for later skill levels. The difficulty spike should be a smooth curve, not a sudden spike. Conversely, think about how lower skill levels can be changed to accomodate this. One mentality that one should get rid of is “it’s SSH, people that have a real life shouldn’t bother with it”. The point is that difficulty should grow gradually, such that a person who can handle the transition from Veteran to Virtuoso should be able to handle Virtuoso to SSH. Anyway that’s the sum of my opinions on the matter.



Micheal Trevor?

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Already suggested: “Health bar for bosses from Double Team” ?


My apologies, mispelled

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We’re almost there folks…

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100% agree with your post

especially skamtebord that is the most important part

IA, is the 25% difficulty to 100% the only difficulty in Key rushes or their are another difficulties like 0% - 100%, 13% - 100%?

Some traces are buggy:

but most have a more normal appearance (with normal fade or position):


How about some contacts HUD notification tweak

  1. Just like on the squadron assignment notification, try also adding the mission type on the contact notification
  2. Try also adding the dare type in the contact notification if that person in your contacts does a dare mission

Example 1: (contact name) is flying (mission codename) {mission type}
Example 2: (contact name) is flying (name) vs. (name) {dare type}

Not worth doing. You can already clearly see the boss anyway, since it’s not going to make him camouflage with the starfield.

This kinda deviates from what it was originally called. I know U.C.O 3 had it’s subtitle changed, but that was to make it reference the U.C.Os.

Isn’t it already? If not, then go ahead


Wasn’t the Boss Chick buff itself meant for Ironman only?

Is this really necessary? The whole point was visibility - seems pointless when they’re part of the clothing of a giant, stark-white chicken.

Unless you’re saying just for consistency’s sake with the others, which I do get, but also keep in mind that the red asteroids have never been consistent so this won’t fix things anyway. :joy:

iA, can you make these coins dont drop out of the screen when changing zoom size (stay them like satellite), or just make these coins disappear when they drop out of it?

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The orbit trails all use a single texture, which is stretched (or compressed) as required. Planets with longer orbits will appear smoother, but planets with shorter/nearer orbits will seem abrupt. I tried fixing this today by using multiple textures, but because these textures are cached and re-used, it turned out to be more trouble than it’s worth.

There is no space.

I can’t. These types of “collectibles” only bounce against the “ground”, not in all 4 directions like satellites do.


IA can you rename the “Invulnerability Extension” to “Invulnerability Extender”? Because it would be easy to make people understand from its name.