Early Access version 74.2

can “Double Team” wave name be replaced with “Boss wave name + boss wave name”

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Why, double team is better : |

And that’s too complicated

I don’t think iA can do that which is why double team boss rush are meant to be randomized and cannot have their own names like Twice Infinity or Brothers United for example

Why are the leaderboard rankings not showing? rewards were also not given.

It’s because iA resetted the ongoing competitions

I was doing a double team mission and somehow I got the early bird bonus. Is that intended?
(Didn’t post a screenshot since I didn’t pause in time)


It can happen, only if you somehow manage to kill a boss in less than 1 second

I’m pretty sure I didn’t.
Power 9 Photon aganst a CI5 Crab, no damage amplifiers used (Tourist skill)

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Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Blast from the Past

imagine if that was added and the text got glitched like that


By the way iA, the pecking order for “Get Ready!” is broken


Or the double team and under that say boss name & boss
In translation use the name of boss that have been translated before.

A bug!
In the yolk star, after the egg shell explodes, the egg white does not rotate until we shoot the yolk!

Does it REALLY matter

iA I understand that Double Team rush are hard and only for CHL players so you make then not appear much, but they are very rare to find(I guess that’s one way to encourage the players to explore the whole galaxy).

Can you make them appear a bit more(not like normal missions but at least in most star systems)?

Bro, environments are normal, unless you’re not used to them, it’s not like I suggested MS to shoot 7 lasers(I’m not).

Eww, I hate fish, I like chicken more(really).

Didn’t I tell you to stop swearing?!

Why are you smelling me I’m stinks

I’m not, wake up.

Care to explain?

Also, I did not say adding SS to env planets is not a bad idea because it’s a bug, but the future stuff

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It means “see you later”.

Its like saying “see you later” :eyes:
don’t smell me fr tho

Fix it. It makes me uncomfortable lol.

Edit: ok good