Early Access version 70

Hmm yes, duplicate bosses. You’re lucky to encounter such.

Still does not have it.

i was doing a perfect frame pause then i saw this (not a bug)

now i have a idea
can we have a exhaust like that.


I have a surface level knowledge of Arabic.


Can cover Spanish for fan translations if needed, Native Speaker here on standby :smiley:7

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I heavily take issue with this, UCO 5 is not a thing yet.

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You must use a pecking order revealer to have that proof

What is this? Why you added? How helpful is it?

If this go beyond 8 (or 4) does it crash the game?
If no, so can you make it to unlimtied?

How about guest? Does it still exist?



No, why would he lower it in the first place?


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This is a balance restriction, not a technical limitation (why would it be?).

How about fix it from “<name> vs <name>” to "you vs <name>

This is indeed tricky to fix. Fixed in v.71 :medal_sports: Bug Update: This was harder than I thought, because the codename appears in many places, e.g. league, notifications, mission config, mission itself, mission outcome, inbox. But I think I got them all.

Pointless. There are so few of them anyway.

Does this always happen? Or did it happen only once?

Sure it does.

If you have an old mission config that allowed 10/5 and you’ve mounted all 10/5, you’ll be kicked out of the mission. Reduce the items and try again.

The codename is hard-coded, and both players see the same. So “you” doesn’t really work.


Imagine seeing:

Mission Codename:
:lock: :lock: :lock: vs :lock: :lock: :lock:



So why there is no :small_red_triangle: on them?

There is, actually

So why I can’t see it? I have pecking orders HUD in that mission

The sign is in the first chicken of the 4th chicken row

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IA, Infinity Chicken is so weak at Ironman missions. Its health must be increased (maybe twice).

That’s unnecessary. It’s supposed to be slightly weaker than usual in terms of health because there’s another boss with him