Early Access version 69

If you read the red sign, that is the reason why you cannot dare him


It was added that you can dare your contacts @ThisIsChristianF. And also IA how the dare button is active and it said that I can’t dare him.


You’re supposed to only be able to send a friendly match to your contacts. Being able to dare a person way higher by just adding them would be an exploit.


Eh Contacts Could Lose Ton of points if they where on the higher Rankings
(Players Who Are 1st Ranking And Lost From Bottom Player Ranking)
(They Would Lose 20 or somewhat Dare Points)
That Will Just Become An Exploit.
If They Added the 1st Place Player To Contacts And Dare Him


two words.
unfair advantage.

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So, apparently the game doesn’t let me dare one of my contacts.


Seem like the engines is kinda flashy when I move down my cursor mouse.

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He had more than one medal in the trailer so I guess we can get the second one.


me too

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Fixed in v.70 :medal_sports: Bug

Because it was awarded to your old “Spiv Briv” account. Fixing.

Ongoing dares were deleted during the v.69 update, so the inbox message is stale.

No, only one is allowed.

Fixed in v.70 :medal_sports: Bug. You can’t dare them because an ongoing friendly already exists. It’s just that the error message is misleading.

That’s been a thing since CI2. Perhaps it’s just more apparent now with “additive magic”?


I think the dimensional phase-out special weapon is a bit too strong at its current state, this special weapon is a get out of jail card, which is fine I guess, but in my opinion it’s too rewarding for just spamming it in difficult waves/bosses, it just takes the skill out of the game. How would I balance it? Simple. Just take away the ability to fire while it’s active, this way the only situation you should be using it is as intended, when you are about to face otherwise unavoidable death, and not as a means of doing a ton of damage since you are too bored to play carefully and take it slow.


That’s why the price was increased.

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Doesn’t really make it balanced, also it’s a pretty lazy way to try to balance something imo. Perhaps the price can be reverted to its original price if its too high for this weapon with this nerf

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Making an invuln without any damage would make it kinda pointless to be honest. No one would want to use it.


For the waves where chick laser guns fire multiple times per volley, eg: Heavy Metal, Egg billards, etc, can the guns be able to slightly change their aim during the short firing intervals. It might not be much, but it does spice up the difficulty a bit more.

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I think when use it, the dmg reduce 75% is better

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I disagree. This special weapon is meant to be a way of you to avoid death, and most of the the time, that’s what it’s used for, the problem is that being able to fire while it’s active let’s you go past all of the projectiles fired at you to deal massive damage. Removing the ability to fire while it’s active will make it more skill based, you can pop it off, but it will only help you escape death, you still got to deal with the enemies yourself.
Edit: the problem is that after you’ve escaped death*

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For a lot weapons, 25% of their damage is pretty much nothing, I’m not saying this idea is bad… But pretty pointless

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what about 50%

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Use it on an epic wave and see how you fare when it wears off

You’ll die anyway.