Early Access version 68.2

  1. I suggested it first:

And iA said:

  1. I’m not talking about this, I meant image

idk ramon wasn’t talking about that

you cannot let ia have attention on this, it would take like 2 months for ia to encode the boss with the abilities in the ucho 5 post (no hate, or harassment, just theory)

I searched all blue_ocean’s posts and I found only the one you shared.

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What was that things name ? (Shows the next wave and the music)
Can we have one for peeking order bonus?
For example show that this or next wave how many peeking order bonuses is possible to earn

Or even a medal for collecting peeking order bonus in all waves that is possible to get the bonus

A joke idea.
Rename “the egg cannon cannon cannon cannonade” to “egg cannon cannon cannon cannonade confusion”
Because it confuise me :grin:

Wave Insight? But I don’t think it shows music.

already suggested by me 7 days ago.

peeking order insight. right?

Randomkodude suggested it before here.

Idk why he shared Luna’s posts instead.

If that’s your suggestion then yeah, it’s a suitable name.

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added a little artwork


oof, i still have to get used to some things on this site

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C’mon man. Are you going to approach this braindead series of shitposts seriously

Can you make space race even faster (from 30 wave -> 15 wave)

Would make it less dependent on skill.


can fenced in now use egg in last phase ?

i found an extremely horrendous bug

Screenshot (53)

there’s an extra space between dare and (this

(no need for medal)


Why is the spaceship foreground?

Actually, forget what I said. It’s now always shown (including two-player comparison)

There’s already a wave “Waving in the Breeze” (because it’s like a flag). Besides, “The Next Generation”
might not be 100% accurate, but it’s not problematic in the sense that “First Contact” was.

Uhh… not easily. It’s not that useful anyway, because lengths don’t vary dramatically as they do for normal galaxy missions. The difference between 7-10 waves is negligible.

Way too troublesome for the payoff.

Awarded medal.

I see it’s already fixed. I probably fixed it together with similar related issue reported further up.

Spacecrafts always appear above planets (for obvious reasons), and the “0/5” is attached to the planet.


Cowards will attack if you attack them while they are inside a bubble.

Bumping this in order to not re-suggest but I want additive on exhausts.