Early Access version 66

Let’s not forget darkness missions AND lightning bolts

Make Blast from the past on the 100-140% diff shoot laser like a fibonacci Circle pattern IA

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And an additional sphereship or sweater chicken in Ironman

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Touhou players gonna love this

Don’t forget to take Mass condensers and/or overkilling into consideration.

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This when ;-;

Better modify or I gonna get sued D:

totally not a Bejeweled 3/Twist reference

especially FP 20 absolver beam in a bx9 with amps

@InterAction_studios can a button appear to open up “travel through wormhole” menu (set location to the clicked wormhole" when you click a wormhole while orbiting another wormhole?

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can feather brain boss drop coin too?


Already dropped foods. Why coins.


it already drop food
so NO

let me explain with CI-type facts and logic (well not really):
“feather brain” is a chicken, so it’s not a comet or mother hen ship my dude
chickens drop food, not coins
were as comets, or eggs (in this game, not irl) are meant to drop coins

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Please no and this boss already drops chickens and its literally a hatchling version of it

Does that imply that in real life eggs drop coins when cracked?

nope, eggs do NOT drop coins, i mean the game, not in real life

It Already Drops Foods
So No There Already Alot Of Bosses Who Drop Coins

The chickens carry coins

Egg crack, they yeet the coins expecting player to die

they’re wrong


Mount CI4 Retro backgrounds.

Unmount CI4 Retro backgrounds.



The Darker one is Universe’s version of the Retro BG, the top one is how it was in CI4