Early Access version 65

Don’t know why but now I’m noticing some stuttering in regular missions type with any window mode. Yesterday I thought it was the fault of borderless mode switch after updating but now I see the same issue with full screen.

:thinking: Huh. Nothing immediately comes to mind. I haven’t made any changes to the ‘arcade’ (flying missions) part at all.


:warning: Rebooting the server to apply v65.3 server-side emergency fix. ETA 30 seconds.

This is only a server-side update. You don’t need to download anything new.


It feels just like when you press F9 to take screenshot but it happens on its own and pretty frequent (every 1-3 seconds).

And this persists after a reboot of your PC?


That’s what I am going to try right now. Will write if something helps.

UPD: Restarted and now it’s pretty smooth. But the thing is that this already happened yesterday too and I don’t remember experiencing issues with that before.

UPD2: Nevermind, it returned after I’ve killed some enemies. And no, it’s not explosions and stuff. During stuttering I’m doing nothing and chickens just hang in the same place as they should, no smoke or any other particles except eggs and other enemy projectiles.

UPD3: Changing loadMode to 0 didn’t help.

UPD4: Closing anything else to reduce usage of everything didn’t help BUT disabling AMD ReLive helped (GPU recording software built-in in AMD driver for some video cards like RX560 I have). So I guess as always AMD driver breaks my sanity. Changing “record desktop” option in ReLive settigns helps a bit.


What about the Droid Raids and/or the Key Rushes?
Also, a “Friendly Battle” mode where you can challenge your contacts only just for fun (earned score won’t count and you won’t get dare points either) would be fun

Droid Raids are food factories and Key Rushes… well, no, for obvious reasons.

I don’t see the point of that. But it could be added if there’s strong demand.


Ok, I’ll make a poll:

Should a Friendly Battle mode be added?
  • Definitely.
  • No.
  • I’m abstaining.

0 voters

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Speaking of the MMO aspect, how is in-mission Co-op looking in the near future? Are there any ways to tackle it so far? You mentioned long ago that you’d have to host servers yourself in order for us to play on them. So the way I see it is that once the game gets out of EA Co-op could follow in like another 1 or 2 months after that.

It’s pretty bleak. I can’t do direct player-to-player games because (i) it would be cheatable and (ii) consumer firewalls cause many communication problems. On the other hand, hosting servers has the problem of (i) costing money and (ii) needing a LOT of servers all over the world (otherwise ping becomes a huge issue)

That’s not a realistic scenario. I need to work on the mobile versions after that. Besides, in the interests of speed, the game has several features that are incompatible with multiple players (for example, the evasive behaviour by Cowards and “Pirate” chicks), so more work would be needed.


@KaizoKaioticVN Did you receive medals for yesterday’s (Jan 21st) Daily Challenge?


Yes, I got all of them. It seems that the daily mission today been delayed due to an error

Can pointless enemies be completely pointless?

Just add that this is an extension of my idea by the way :wink:

It would be cool to choose the “dare” option to players on the contact card.

Honestly I agree it would be better not to score such fights like that.

It’s been cancelled completely. If I’m not mistaken, you’ll receive another 3 medals tonight. Enjoy :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t recall the exact reason, but I believe 0 points caused problems. Why do you want them completely pointless?


Maybe… :sweat_smile:

Even thought they give only one point, they are still pretty farmable on bosses like Egg City or Egg Cannon.

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They should just be an obstacle. Even 1 point is still farmable, they should just give zero points.

Then it would also be a good to transfer this idea to the Daily/Weekly challenge missions, if there is none.