Early Access version 65

iA, is there some sort of dare limit per day? Also, how many time does it take for an unanswered dare to expire?

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I told you to check in-game help in Discord ._ .



Do we confirm I’m blind?

I would rather confirm that I’m stupid because I thought I wrote this but I didn’t. Instead I wrote “there is”.


That doesn’t mean I’m not blind :sweat_smile:

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so this is an actual bug involving droids, they show wrong missions instead of droid raid missions lol


i should get 2 bug medals but i got 1


i checked game.
i got 2 more (totally i got 3 bug medals) WHY?

I can’t find the message at all, maybe just rushed those to get rid of notifications.

Yeah it seems like I just clicked it and restarted the game because I don’t remember being close to 30.

No, only one does.

They could, but since they don’t get to choose the mission, this is not as important as the attacking side.

Changed in v.66 :medal_sports: Idea

Added to v.66 :medal_sports: Idea

Depends on what you mean. If you don’t shoot them at all, they should follow the same pattern as all other enemies. Once you shoot them, they should drop vertically downwards.

Yes, but not easily. The conditions whether you can dare or not are decided by the server. I’ve made a note to revisit this.

10 per day. 3 days to expire.

Looking into it. Fixed in v.65.2 server-side emergency fix

Because your name appears 3 times in the changelog?


Oh so they drop vertically downwards wherever you shoot them instead of follow the flow of motion, got it.

and what about this ?

:warning: Rebooting the server to apply v65.2 server-side emergency fix. ETA 30 seconds.


all of us think that we will have a bug and emergency version in league but NO

I already answered that a couple of posts above:


why the icon is ugly?
only EGG

anniversary theme but there is a 120th in middle

and in here too
but why the date is 2119 ?
it should be 2121

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  1. If you compare the bug & idea “Medal Awarded” message you’ll notice that the difference is 1 pixel between them. Sorry, I can’t screen shot it since I logged-out. I know it’s a little thing, but can you fix it?
  2. It’s kinda weird see it like this: image
    So how about making it from “Flying edzio_osmiornica vs ultra gejmer” to “Versing edzio_osmiornica”?

Only at the beginning, so you got a point there but:

Can you add a countdown timer at the “expires in less than 1 hour” message? Not for me but to be more clear to newcomers

Sorry, but do you mean you will fix it either in v.66 or the versions after it with the “+”?

“Playing League against edzio_osmiornica” sounds much better

2119 - 1999 = 120

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where is emergency version now?

Will cause “I played one second before the end but it didn’t count” situations.

“Version 66 or above”

Definitely not now as dare missions work the same way as regular ones. Visual changes were always low priority, given that there are big changes every 1-3 update which can break everything.

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