Early Access version 61.2

Good luck.

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And maybe should be random. Not allways in the same boss


Uh no pls.

Also, I prefer the sniper (yes, I called them sniper) for military and Gatling for egg because their class type. One is precision and one is barrage attack.


That would make the boss easier.
Nice tought but I don’t like it


A small suggestion I have is that, yes, we get rewards for exploring individual planets. So why shouldn’t we get rewarded for exploring an entire constellation? An entire constellation is not that small of a feat to explore, so I’d say a reward would be due.
I’d say any ammount between 25 - 50 keys should do for exploring an entire constellation.

And I don’t mean discovering a constellation, but exploring it. Throughly I mean. 100% (Say you visited 57/57 things there were to visit in a certain constellation).


Already suggested:

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Yes, if they move too far away from your location. The same thing happens to players.

In order to conserve bandwidth and CPU, you only see a limited region of the galaxy around your current location.


Alternatively, would it be possible for players to adjust detection range of other players and/or NPCs themselves?

That was already discussed. Bigger amount of players on screen at the same time can cause huge lag.

@InterAction_studios Why we have “daily mission top-10” for daily mission but e-mail for weapon training top-10 is called “daily mission top-10” too? Yesterday it was weapon training.


If it’s server-side it’s understandable. I’m sure some players here have high-end PCs and fast internet connection anyway.

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weapon training replaces daily mission in some days, it’s still “daily”

I mean, yesterday it was weapon training, and top-10 message is for daily instead. I didn’t participate in recent daily missions but I’m in that e-mail.

did you participate on sunday?

Don’t remember participating in daily challenges for at least last week. Maybe I did space race, but space race is unrelated to this. Or I just have bad memory ,_ ,

bad memory i think

Nope, I’m correct.

Another thing, I don’t know if it can be helped from technical side:

When I get e-mail while I’m reading e-mail, list refreshes and closes my current e-mail I was reading. Even if it’s in different tab.

Another small suggestion:

A top 10 leaderboard for every mission from all planets, stars etc., leaderboard that has: most recent played tab, fastest time tab and highest score tab.

It would add a bit of life and competition thrill to the regular missions, you’d feel like “Oh someone played this recently”, or like “Oh, someone beat my high score, lemme fix that”, it would add a bit of life to the missions.

That was suggested but I don’t remember what was the conclusion. Probably too hard to handle for server? idr.

I’m asking the server if he could handle lists full of players and points and time and all other jazz over 10k missions with every skill.

Because I was lazy. At the point where the top-10 is generated I don’t have access to the original mission (to know if it was weapons training). But I’ve fixed it now :grimacing: Fixed in v.62 :medal_sports: Bug

You’re ranked because you played it, that’s undeniable.

It’s this way because it’s much simpler (for me). Laziness wins again.

Good idea, but requires a lot of resources from a technical perspective. Still, I’ll see if I can come up with a solution. On the list.