Early Access version 55.3

It’s already in


Oh I didn’t know that ! sorry

it’s ok

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Actually any type of missions can appear at Weekly Challenge except Retro&Darkness missions.

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For some reason the calm music’s playing over the adventurous music when you dock, or just fly to a different place at the same time. Anyone else getting that? File on MEGA

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@InterAction_studios could there be a reward for exploring an entire constellation.

Another question: why do Supernova, Feather Fields&Key Rush missions always appear at the end of the mission list?

And Abdolver Beam can destroy any Droid/Security Droid at all waves except “Delivery Rerouting” where Security Droid always needs 2 hits with, it kinda ruin the fun because whenever I wan to use it and face that wave I either lose food or die&lose food, so is there anyway to make Absolver Beam destroy it by only one hit?

How many weight does Boss Rush have to appear at Weekly Challenge? And could it be increased like maybe 0.5 like Droid Raid waves?

ah, so IA would be a reward for exploring an entire constellation?


Gee, that would be funny somehow if this would be implemented.

Wait. I thought human slavery was banned?


Nvm, it was a mistake. It’s fixed now.

Wait, you mean those people in my basement?

Edit: Do people even read the posts they like?


it was and it is fixed now , Chicken blaster said it’s for humans :roll_eyes:

IA a reward ?! breh :joy:

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Is “Nasty Surprise” supposed to be able to spawn without UFO’s? Wave 2 of the weekly did that for me.


Well yeah, wave 2 has only 2% difficulty, but there should be at least one alien boi


or you killed it without noticing

I found a bug so many times but I forget to post it :roll_eyes:
When you max zoom on a wormhole you will see a strange think

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yes I have saw it
But I don’t remember how it looked

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Do you mean the wormhole acting “weird” by having gaps and looking weird when you zoom in? That’s because the wormhole is 3D, so it’s not a bug.


It’s stated in “Known Bugs & New Features” since v8.1 I think.

Wormholes will be clipped incorrectly if you zoom in too close.


Good thought, but I flew the weekly twice and didn’t see it either time. :wink: