Early Access version 59.3

As much as I want to do that, but I’m not the type of person that steals likes to steal. So basically l didn’t do it on purpose. I forgot Ramon suggested it before since OP is 1 week old.

Does it have a “Thank You” in the description?

Speaking of which, the CHL does need some more incentive to purchase. For example: More Score (+50% as an end-of-mission factor, only for non competitive missions), More Keys from missions (+25% more as an end-of-mission factor), a small discount in the Galactic and/or Regional stores (10%?), and of course: Eternal Gratitude.

Or even better: Universal Grandmaster.

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@InterAction_studios Blast from the past does not shoot bullets at the beginning, can you make it shoot immediately as soon as it goes red/damaged?

Not like it’ll matter unless you kill it in less than 2 seconds.

Even so, guy merely shoots 1-4 bullets at a time with less than 12.5% damage dealt. Unlikely for someone to die to it.

However, shooting the next volley immediately after every 12.5% damage reached, will be worth adding. It means you’ll have to time your shots well, and not rush so you do not make bullets overlap.

Firstly, the bftp does shoot at the beginning, secondly, instant shoot when red will result of impending doom for bombers, especially on high difficulty. Lastly, do these flaw and suggestion even match?

An idea
In contact request if you request someone or someone request you if you do not do any thing for that (I mean you see request but you did not reply to the request it will be deleted just like forum that after 14 days the topic closes) the request will be cancelled or deleted

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can you NOT



Just got here.Thanks iA for letting me know.

:bug: :x: not a bug
Sometimes lasers are stacked on top of each other
So there was 3 lasers all times

  1. Ok,
  2. Yes there were 3 lasers cause of 57 - 72 % difficulty

I’m gonna post these things here if it could help iA making planetary missions.


Remind me of CI5 artifacts missions
If this possible to be added it would be cool


Because they are.

I think iA adds it in v.60.

Unnecessary, the presence of barriers with a high FP drop rate can compensate


It gives satellites like “It’s the mother hen ship” boss, instead.

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Can egg cannon cannonade/egg cannon cannon cannon cannonade drop fire power and gift when destroyed such as yolk star and henterprise

But it already drops 2 fp and 4 gifts throughout the battle


It already did that

Oh, you mean that. Well, if you want gift and fp when it about to die, yeah sure, I’ll take it.

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