Early Access version 55.3

I know so that why she need to have a blast wave

i am sure that exploding it, is resulting for this

Hm, what about a “Multi-Kill Insight”?

It’ll be more of a detail than a mechanic though, which shows the multi-kill bonus accumulating as you kill more and more to build it up. It will reset to 0 when you end the multi-kill streak.

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Mukti-kill timer when


this too

That was suggested before by me.

Hey iA, how about adding flipped version of “waving in the breeze” like chapter 11 of CI5?

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There’s a flipped version in chapter 11?

There’s no flipped version in ci5

Yeah I know but it’s somewhat similiar.


Fixed in v.56 :medal_sports: Bug


Changed in v.56 :medal_sports: Idea


I’ve increased the minimum threshold. Changed in v.56


250 keys is even worse than 1000 fuel :laughing:


I have one idea, why don’t we choose the 10 best little ideas (small ideas like a new type of chicken or at most two new bosses in one idea) every 2,3,4 months from those 2,3,4 months and let the IA choose 5 that we will then be able to vote and 1,2 ideas with the most votes will be added.And every 5,6 months we choose the 5 best bigger ideas (by big I mean three or more bosses in one idea and the like) and the one with the most votes will be chosen to be included in the game and the second with the most votes will return at the next vote, then we take a break for a few months and do it again.The links for ideas will be below the vote so everyone can remember what was in those ideas (this probably won’t happen but still I’m gonna to suggest this)


IA has HUGE to-do list which they don’t share only because of its size and corrections they often make (+ it’s useless for forum members). I’m sure there is an average “plan” which describes what he is going to work on during stated week/month. If idea is simple, however, he adds it immediately (small text corrections, enemies which uses already existing models etc). The only exception I know was the Egg Cannon Cannon Cannon Cannonade, as it “took way more work than it should be” because of its mechanic.

So, in my opinion, including different ideas via votes will slow the development a bit, as IA needs to choose what to do first. And as I said, to this day all new bosses and enemies were using parts of already finished models, or even the whole model as it worked with Feather Brain. If code has some logical explanation and template, model has none of these so it’s creation can take even longer than programming part.


Cannonade was added because iA thought it would be cheap new content


Hm. Blind spots.


I think so

This already happens.

Added to v.56

The input system is shared between the game and the menu, so this is unavoidable

There’s plenty of space in the zone, even for a bomber. Dodging incoming projectiles is bound to very tight (even tighter with a bomber), but that’s to be expected.

The rest of your points are minor and/or too much of a hassle to do anything about.


Fixed in v.56 :medal_sports: Bug