Early Access version 54

100% difficulty and 20 waves (key rush)

The solution to your problem: play an easier mission or move on to lower difficulties.


The solution to my problem : using special weapons

Given this, I don’t ſee that your complaint really indicates that there’s a problem with the game.


no no problem for me i mean that is very epic

then why did you bring your epic wave here? you realise you can just surrender and use tourist?

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Didn’t you realize that it is a Key Rush mission. Unless it was recently updated that it can now be repeated.

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I found a bug.
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As the spacecraft turns and shrinks, the effects also shrinks, but the beam remains the same size.


A lot of the time, whenever I shoot while using arrow keys to move, my spacecraft begins to glitch out and jerks back to its original position. Is it a bug?

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yeah i agree with you i thing this is a bug good luck @AmirMohammad.as

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That is a MĂźller. How can it go slowly?

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Because of the massive environment on the mission he was playing on which slows down his ship.


why this slider fixed (It appears only when using the mouse wheel) to click on it and control it to move up and down without using mouse wheel


you were asking for it to appears all the time, right?
I support

This is intended.

Do you also fire using your keyboard? Using your mouse to fire but the keyboard to move is unsupported and will cause the behaviour you’re describing.

It would clutter the screen. You can scroll up/down using (i) mouse wheel (ii) the semicircle buttons at the top and bottom or (iii) by dragging across the empty space belonging to the scroll area. That’s more than enough ways.


I would want you to answer these

look at these half transparent icons, I’m sure the zoom is in h a l f

It happened both ways, keyboard fire control caused that too.

IA plz read this.

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Mine as well:

  • There should be a separate wave name on Supernova Missions that has an Alien Container (or a subtitle like on CI4).

  • In Droid Raid missions, I haven’t seen any Security Droid variation that coming from all directions, the one that says “Watch your Back.”


okay can you make it option (on/off) and what about this


what do you think of this @InterAction_studios