Early Access version 54

For the second suggeston that franci gave, wouldn’t it be better if it were put as an filter option in the “[i]” ? (which is the icon in the main hub, showing options for… showing things)


That would be better

Yeah, but that’s exactly where the insights also are

what is this? can anyone explain

Probably he’s at the wormhole, but I’m not sure since I see this for the first time.


how to solve this

You can’t, it’s made like that so you couldn’t cheat to find a wormhole.

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okay but that is good to find wormholes

No, it’s kinda like cheating because you’re supposed to find it yourself eventhough my first wormhole I found was zooming-in at someone called “Z-47” that’s how I knew about them :sweat_smile: but you can search if you want to final them all.


you are right but half of wormholes that i found it i found it by cheating

I saw this when I try to locate a contact and he’s at a wormhole


@InterAction_studios Can Party Time boss appear on the right? I only saw it appears from the left
Left 50% | Right 50%
Now it’s fair and no one coul predict where it comes from


Can’t people at wormholes be hidden from the map, until the player finds it?

Well it is hiding people at wormholes’ location what do you mean

You can’t locate your friends, when they’re in wormholes, but you can find wormholes easily by green points on the map (players location).

but there’s no green points in wormhole what are you talking about

Dude, green points are players! If a player is in wormhole, he’ll be shown as a green point in the map, like others, and people can find them by green points aka players. Understand?!


I already understand, but there are NO PLAYERS SHOWN on wormholes!


That means that the contact is at a wormhole you have not explored. This is done to prevent exploiting “locate contact” to find wormholes.


i understood

Are there asteroids flaming (red asteroids) in asteroids no really (wave) and if it not there i hope it to be added to CIU (asteroids no really)

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