Early Access version 52

look , after i were tired passing these star systems and do these missions , i dont want to see any types of missions like this XD

But at least, you know how to locate it, right?

yeah .

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‘‘Merry-Go-Round’’ wave should have anoter Danger Zone where the other group of chickens appear…

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@InterAction_studios why are there nofications in screenshot mode?

Also can we have “Weapon training top-10”

You can only see half of egg cannon health bar



It’s the same for all players.

I know, but due to the way the repeatable randomizer works, the wave must have started first.

Well, it’s indestructible now, so I think the egg works better.

Because they’re on a different layer than the game. Just wait until they clear.

Fixed in v.53 :medal_sports: Idea

Check the daily leaderboard - it uses the same one.

Will see if/how this can be fixed.


Please read this topic . No comments have been posted yet. New level idea (crossroad)

@InterAction_studios you forgot the “:” to medal_sports: at @gabytzu’s idea.


lol he did it again

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Ha yes. I’ve lost my in-game progress. Help?

delete the 52 folder

Do you have any backup? If yes, move the backup folder to C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIU, then your account will probably be restored

Well, I don’t

On the wave Chicken Roulette/Wheel of Fortune, whenever I managed to kill all of the enemies except both the remaining bomb and some barriers, they won’t vanish in which the bomb needed to be detonated first (I intentionally did it). Although it might be only me.

Fixed in v.53 :medal_sports: Bug


Could there be some kind of barrier in those places? A player using phase-out can skip the entire wave while in that safe place.



You made the same mistake i did before :sweat_smile:
Early Access version 49 - #575 by InterAction_studios
“Some of the effects (e.g., raising gifts above explosions) require a missions restart. Others (screen shakes) take effect immediately.”

oh sorry

nah, that’s ok.

So? There are plenty of other waves that you can just sit in a corner and let everything pass by.