Early Access version 51

It should have bubbles surrounding the eggs like on Bubble Rings

The later variations contain more and more chickens.

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It already works like that. Greater difficulty = more contained enemies.


Exactly, so let’s give the harder difficulty versions a slightly different name for just some extra sauce

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Well, variations need to have something extra to make them a variation. Right now it’s just how the difficulty progression works. Just changing the name would be confusing.


Hmmm… How about we give the 0% difficulty no eggs, and call it Chicken Cyclone?

As it gets more and more eggs, it gets “Egg Cyclone” as the name at 60% and above.


Ok, I’ve added un-shelled enemies. I consider this to be HARDER than eggshells, because all enemies are exposed (and hence, fire at you) from the start.

Added to v.52 :medal_sports: Idea

  1. How about making a new market that is for customizations (Spacecrafts/Hard Points/Color Themes) it will be cheaper in it, or adding Spacecraft/Hard Points customizations at hardware and Color Themes at Heroes Academy.

  2. A “Squadron Member Request” option, there the player could send a request to be added in another squadrons, all the squadrons in the game would see his request, his request will stay there until he deletes it.

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This one was already suggested, link

Here’s two more waves that can use eggs for as a 2nd variant:

Chicken Fractals, where every chicken will cover themselves with eggs. (Calcified Fractals/The Incubator [The Incubator wave name by @IceIris])
Chicken Fortification, where the chickens will also cover themselves with eggs. (Chicken Barrication)

(or really just any wave that’s possibly harder with eggs. You can come up with names yourself :stuck_out_tongue:)


Staying on the discution about the waves… any waves from the past games? … or that’s all about the past games??

Chicken terminator allows more chickens on screen as difficulty increases, should gyroscope malfunction too?

Then waves that spawn enemies one per one like look in all directions, armored division, security droid patrol etc. (I’m sure there’s more) have their spawn rate increased in higher difficulty?

Also waves that only consist gatling gun (heavy metal & egg billiard) have firerate / number of bullet increased? Or maybe both.

I propose this because it seems these kind of waves aren’t getting harder even if at high difficulty.


It’s actually a good idea to have bubbles instead of eggs at some waves like Enemy Queue, the bubbles could disappear&appear or require enemies to kill first.

Also @InterAction_studios since there are 2 types of waves of Black Hole Skipping one should be renamed a different name.

Isn’t one called black hole hopping or something like that?

  • IA could re-scale daily missions difficulty
  • IA could add a daily mission that is harder
  • I am neutral on this

0 voters

I did this since skills are disallowed on dailies
EDIT: the harder mission could be 100-140% difficulty

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No, there are both called the same name.

Added to v.52 :medal_sports: Idea

Fractals already has two variations,but they share the same name. I have given them separate names now.

There may very well be a few more in the future, but they’re not a priority… Recently someone (was it @matix524 ?) suggested porting the “Berserk” wave from CI2. I started on that, but it turned out to be more complex than I originally thought, so it will have to be postponed.

It already does: “Black Hole Hopping”


Yup, it was me who suggested that. And that’s understandable.


Since wave variations were mentioned, a simpler variation of Three Stroke Engine could work as well?

“Two Stroke Engine”


I had fun

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