Early Access version 49


Fixed in v.50 :medal_sports: Bug


This happens because the darkness is contracting while simultaneously moving up (together with the spaceship). So you can see it temporarily, but then the movement ‘overpowers’ it and pushes it beyond the screen. It eventually returns, of course.

It looks odd, but it’s not a bug.


when resuming a session that i lost connection in the middle of the mission with 1 life the hero says
“lives i don’t need no stinking lives” although i used 2 lives at the start of the mission
this happens rarely and does not worth fixing
IA can still fix it if he wants

This is about Corn Shotgun.
For a weapon that NEVER overheats, the damage is astronomical.

I would suggest reducing the damage values to the following:
Kernels: 500 -> 420
Popcorn: 400 -> 300

An Alternative for the damage nerf: Make it overheat MUCH faster.

At the same time, the fire-rate increase for the lower levels is reaaaaaalllllllyyyyy slow. I’d suggest making the Firepower 2 and 4’s firerate increase by a higher amount, and by a lower amount at Firepower 8 and 10. Still enough to reach a 4.95/s (don’t quote me on this) fire rate by fp 10.
To explain this part… Because you’re most vulnerable at lower firepowers, so raising the firerate faster for Fp 2 and 4 would be best, because by fp 6, you should have a fast enough firerate to defend yourself proper with that change, so fp 8 and fp 10 can increase the firerate slower, just rather more of a “cherry on top” I guess.

Thanks a lot if you can do these. Corn as of right now is too overpowered for a weapon that can’t overheat at all.

(P.S: We think you should take a break from development for a bit. You must be really tired. Perhaps a good rest can clear the mind and soul, so why not take a 1 or 2 week break after Hypergun’s fixed in v50?)


for about Corn Shotgun
this weapon should be have overheat
shoot popcorn when heat is more then 75%
and damage still same
also firerate should be like as BoredCelestial say

(P.S:no need rush)


Yeah, we think you should slow down. You’re going to tucker yourself out even faster like that if you bite off more than you can chew. Don’t forget the break too, take a 1 or 2 week break, and then continue on the development. At least refresh yourself.


In Boss Rush, in Hend Game wave, when Henterprise is destryong, the music fades out and in the next wave, it plays again.

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That’s because of long explosion scene.


You guys can call me noob but how


Yeah what weapon are you using now?

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I’m sure no weapon can survive this

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nope, vulcan chaingun can make you survive this


Vulcan Chaingun is pretty RNG-ish though.


Ah, yes it can let you survive in the first 3 seconds of the mission with the best heat sink


Yeah, or at least, let heat be disabled on comet chase so we are able to use vulcan whenever we want…


in 3 seconds Vulcan can’t help you


And it’ll become too easy.


Just pre-heat your Vulcan. Don’t bother getting FP after you reach FP 10, because comets are one-shotted with strong vulcan bullets. (350 damage)


Fine. I will heat it a little.

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