Early Access version 49

It only hides the menu so you can take a screenshot so far


I asked where it can be find

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It’s in the pause menu. you will see where it is when v50 comes.

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No, where can find the screenshot, not the screenshot button

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Maybe it will save in the version folder C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIU\vxx

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As TUTITEILilovechicken explained, it doesn’t take a screenshot. It just hides the UI in the pause menu, so that you can take a clean screenshot while paused.


Alſo, @minasam123, any programme that requires its uſers to tinker around in the ProgramData folder is juſt deſigned wrong. The whole reaſon that folder exiſts is to provide a place to programmatically ſtore program data where it’s not goïng to get meſſed up by the uſer.


So CIU is designed wrong? I mean, changing loadmode in CIU.cfg can improve the experience.

  1. CIU is ſtill in pre-releaſe
  2. Some programmes deſigned for uſe by a more computer-ſavvy audiënce do make ſome of the more advanced options only available via config files. This is ok if you expect your average uſer to be able to make the required changes without meſſing anything up, although in other applications it ſhould only be uſed if you’re not planning to publiciſe the hidden options and if you don’t expect people to uſe them (e.g. ſometimes you’ll want to have a debug mode acceſſible via a config file). So for CIU, I would ſay that if pretty much everyöne’s fine with the default load mode, it ſhould ſtay as-is; otherwiſe, the load mode ſhould be configurable ſomewhere in the options.

That’s a good idea.

I personally would even move the whole CIU folder from programdata to install location so you can make it portable and don’t make a mess in your OS install drive.


Changed in v.50 :medal_sports: Idea


It might turn off lock mouse because I can’t take screenshot without moving my cursor out

@InterAction_studios I had a dream that you could change background of galaxy screen

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I don’t know if you fixed this is, or if was just weird for @kokokokos, but I can see it just fine.

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he fixed it, you were late


Why don’t you use “s”? It’s so hard to read man

He writes the way he likes to.

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Can I make a suggetion, why don’t we have mission configuration slots? I mean, people usually have a set of configutations in mind depending on the type of missions and difficulty, for an extremely low difficulty for example I like to go clean (nothing mounted) to get that “Unpreparedness” medal, but them I have to do the work to mount all my stuff again.

The configuration slot could also include the flag ship to be used and what is mounted on it, but that’s optional.

Overall, this would save us more time and give us more comfort, anyone disagree?


There is a quip upon encountering Chicken Exponentiality “Now I regret sleeping through my maths class.”

Shouldn’t this be math instead of maths?


Have you tried blasting “Tangled Mess” with one absolver beam shot? Feels good (and op)

Now it’s known that he also sleeps in english class :sweat_smile:


I think they should be slowly increasing their damage just like Boron