Early Access version 49

GO play tourist or use 3 invulnerability extension with plasma IF YOU THINK TOO HARD


Okay, making something a bit harder does NOT mean that it’s impossible. I’ve seen posts regarding the Egg Cannon(ade) needing a nerf but do you seriously want the game to not have any competitive playground? Besides, most of these “buffs” are high difficulty buffs meaning that you won’t even see any if you’re plaing easy missions. If you think the game is hard, just switch to a lower difficulty. It’s not like you’re forced to play hard and the bonuses are still ok in the lower difficulties. Comet Chase becomes hella easier with Vulcan but if you don’t want Vulcan, then just try to use a Scout or a Fighter or something and take a weapon with a good spread attack such as Ion Blaster, Utensil Poker, Photon Swarm, etc. and just keep dodging.


Why does this read like a chain letter from a diſtant uncle with a title like “25 amazing facts that ſound like complete BS but are actuälly true!!!”?

Naturally, of the 25 “facts”, 4 are demonſtrably falſe, 2 depend on the target audiënce’s ignorance of world geography, another is that Uzbekistan is the world’s only doubly-landlocked country (ſomehow forgetting about Liechtenstein), 10 are bits of triviä you’ve known for years (in part due to theſe emails), 2 relate to the dimenſions and/or growing rate of human hair, 2 have to due with large mammals (uſuälly the hippopotamus), 3 ſhow pictures of incredible engineering feats/ſuper ſteep bridges which turn out upon inveſtigation to be optical illuſions created by the camera angle, and 1 is written ſo badly that after 5 minutes of careful parſing you determine that it could mean a number of things, all of which are falſe.


You can buy 1 bird-flu satellite and shot it in nearby comets and it’s blast radius will take care of the others,if you can afford one

You only have 15 ammo use them wisely

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Where did the invite go ?

Edit: and if he deleted it why did the game warn me about that ?

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Two things:

  • There is plenty of space to navigate between comets in your screenshots. Recall that their hitboxes are smaller than they look. This is not to say that you can’t be trapped, of course, but you are NOT trapped in your screenshots.
  • You can’t finish a 97%-100% + SSH mission, and that’s a legitimate reason to nerf it? Uh, no. Just remove SSH, or play something easier.

He might have revoked it

I have yet to try the new comets (Simply because I haven’t been playing the game), but it’s also important to leave room for difficulty as per higher than SSH (Unless those are scrapped, resulting in a steeper difficulty curve), unless unless(!) it would just buff health but we already know that’s boring since we changed the way difficulties work already.


when starting comet chase missions the hero sometimes says “let those feathers fly”
as of he is going to kill chickens

or the comets have feathers :laughing:

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Eh, feather it.

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In my opinion harder comet chase should buff comet speed and not increasing their number.

Their actual state is ridicolusly too much (if speed is not an option why not nerfing the number from ×3 to ×2.7? Still a lot of comets but less)


@InterAction_studios In easy difficulties, the Mysterious Ship comes in with 4 lasers, and shoots in a +. Can you give it a chance to shoot in an x for the entire fight? Also, in easier difficulties (0%-15%) it should have 3 lasers

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That would make it too easy. Don’t forget that right now we can only shoot our weapons straight above us so we must be directly below the boss to kill it. And if it doesn’t have an attack that can kill us then it’s just super easy.


Isn’t that just going to cause unpredictable, unavoidable death?

EDIT: Missed the “entire fight” bit. qbus is right though - then you just have to stay underneath it.


Maybe that should happen in the 0%-15% difficulties instead then

The ship always warns you about its patterns

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This would make it triviäl. You would only need to ſtay under the egg and you’d be fine.

I get your reaſoning, but I don’t think that it’ll really make much of a difference. Unleſs the egg dips all the way to the bottom (as it ſometimes does, at leaſt on harder difficulties).

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How about we only give it a chance to shoot 4 beams in an x pattern in those easy difficulties?

How would that work? Is it going to be entire fight or will it be mixed? Also what chance it would be?

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It’s going to be the entire fight, and the chance is gonna be 50%