Early Access version 47

It’s because it gets worse, so it’s red. Although mass doesn’t really do anything, so maybe it should just be the same color as the current value you have(basically the HUD color you picked).


Random question…iA, do you intend to give mobile version of ciu higher damage multipliers? If yes, will there be separate leaderboards for different platforms? Just curious.


This is a huge concern. Desktop and mobile are not directly comparable. And it’s not easy to split them up, because some players will be playing on both (even within the same mission).

I don’t know. I’ve swept this under the rug, for now.


Can Items that can’t be bought more than one be changed from 1/1 to Owned? (Sorry for my bad English)


@InterAction_studios This needs to be phrased to “This unit is in use”, because skills are only bought for once.


No need, honestly.

But if it does get changed, this shouldn’t get a medal. Because both phrases pretty much have the same meaning either way.

Besides, it wouldn’t really qualify as a Bug or Idea.


what about implementing mass dependant crash damage ?
when the mass of the ship increases the crash damage increases


An idea.
I always have this problem. When I stop the game and I want to start again,
I lose my heart because of the sudden start of the game.
To solve this problem, add a 3 to 5 second timer.(Activated before restarting)
Despite the timer, we are ready to restart the game.
This option is customizable.
It can be changed from 3 to 5 seconds.
Players can also disable it if there is no need for it.
Please add it. @InterAction_studios

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:bulb: “Unoriginality penalty” now only lasts for 12 hours (@harakat :medal_sports: Idea)
The description should be changed to reflect that it lasts for 12 hours in the next update

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So, make v47.2 just to put one description change?

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no i mean in v48 not v47.2

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Ah, okay.

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That’s kind-of already in the game (it doesn’t depend on mass, but it depends on spacecraft type)

Fixed in v.48 :medal_sports: bug


@InterAction_studios In my opinion, the maneuvering jets are too expensive. How about editing the price from 20x3 to 20x4 or 20x5?

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Seems like a much leſs painful proceſs than the variöus ways I keep finding to loſe my heart…


Can you share your knowledge on this matter?

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'Twas moſtly juſt a joke, mate. :slightly_smiling_face:


That I laughed at quite a lot

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But I was curious… :disappointed_relieved:

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No no, I laughed at Traveller’s joke, not at you

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