Early Access version 46

in the next update :slightly_smiling_face:…but I lost a life, and the charity was not present!

Maybe you have enough fire-power or it’s above the minimum requirement.

  • . :new: Added “The Strongest Link” wave variation (starts appearing at 80% difficulty) (@Sammarald :medal_sports: Idea)

What is that?

It’s a “harder” version of The Weakest Link.

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They do turn out green, but most of them end up being pretty dark.
From left to right : CI1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and the retro background.
The CI1 and 3 backgrounds are the most usable.


The Weakest Link but with eggs instead of chickens and LV2 barriers

I’m about to send my variants. I used a different method, not curves. I assume that’s why IA warned me. But I know my way around photo editing software :wink:


:bulb: Removed unused “Egg Hurricane” wave variation (“Egg Cyclone” incorporates both variations via mirroring)…
so give “egg hurricane” name to a variation of “egg cyclone”

@InterAction_studios Thanks for “inviting me” :slight_smile: Here are the results:

CI1 Retro

CI2 Retro (tell me if it needs more work, this was a hassle to make)

CI3 Retro

CI4 Retro

CI5 Retro

Tell me to send an archive if you’re satisfied.


So, basically…


Basically what?

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Trying to reenact the green retro space that I’ve just shown (from CI4), but for every single one of the six. Would be interesting to see this for the Droid missions as well.


Droid Raids actually happen to have that already. You can change your background there.

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However, I came in here for a different reason. While recoloring is involved in this as well, I just want to make Assassin and normal Bandana Chicks even more distinguishable. I don’t really find it enough that the mechanics for both enemies are different, especially if they’re playing some waves where the enemies are really close, like Chicken Roulette/Wheel of Fortune or the Squawk Block waves.
I’ve used one Bandana Chick from a screenshot, and recolored the bandana from purple to red. Anything else works, just make one of them slightly different in terms of aesthetics, the entire time, and not after you throw a slight pitch at them.


You know, on the subject of Assassins, I was thinking about giving them a full-on ninja suit rather than just recoloring their bandana, which I think should be slightly easier to tell them apart from Bandana Chicks. (With the bandana color difference you might have to pay close attention, whereas this would be a lot easier to notice, IMO)

Sorry, just my idea.


That could work as well, but again, just make one different from the other, close enough that we don’t have to instantly lose a life when we’re stuck in circles made of barriers only because we can’t recognize which one only gets close to you and which one terminates you upon hitting them.

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These look nice, but they’re impossible to achieve via simple modulation of the existing textures (which is the only available tool in the engine). See what @GgWw1175 posted.

Having separate textures just for retro missions is a no-no.

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Well, my initial thought when designing them was that an assassin would be expected to look identical to a regular chicken, otherwise they wouldn’t be much of an assassin :wink:

In any case, I experimented with some recolorings, but none of them were satisfactory. Recoloring the bandana in the way you show would need a separate texture.

So I’ve given them another visual ‘tell’: Their bandanas drape to the left instead of the right.

Changed in v.47 :medal_sports: Idea


This already exist. You forgot to mention over level 2 barriers.