Early Access version 45.2

Hmm, could this clarify it doesn’t show any zones, rather than just hiding safes?

Great point, actually. It should say that it doesn’t show any kind of zones at all (probably not even Anomaly)


How about “Wave zones are not marked”?

Changed in v.46 :medal_sports: Idea


Something about this new wave:

The indestructible barriers can apparently get keys?


Hmm… Not sure how easily override the setting, but I’ve added it to the list.


so, iA, here’re my suggestions
1: In the fleet equipment it’s possible to add satellites by just clicking on an empty slot if you have only one kind of satellite, so that feature should be applied to the background/extra lives/boosters/songs selections as well.
2: A pecking order in the beginner loop invader fly-by? It would make sense since only one invader spawns at once in that wave.
3: The Chicken Harmonics wave from CI3 should be added too
4: The Egg Cannon and the Henterprise should spawn more types of chickens
5: An option to filter contacts, missions and other stuff in a descending order. e.g. Normal order: a, b, c, d Descending order: d, c, b, a


We can add indestructible Barriers to other waves like “The Weakest Link”?

I think that it’s unlikely

Text color does not reset when disconnected from game in the options menu.



The “automatically add if there’s only one choice” is controversial, and might be removed in a future version. Will create a poll.

Can’t. Pecking order is awarded for enemies in the same group, but in that wave each one is in its own group.

I’ve added it to the list (Early Access version 44 - #204 by Francis)

Unlikely. These are special chickens that have to be programmed individually (because they award no points). There’s no procedural generation support.

Would unnecessarily complicate the UI.

No. If a player decides to go for the barriers, they should be destructible.


I can’t reproduce this. What steps did you take exactly?

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Okay, here’s how you do it:
1- pause the game
2- go to options menu
3- select gameplay menu
4- alt-tab and disconnect from network
3- alt-tab back again to game and you will notice text color remains unchanged.
For this to work, you should change the UI color theme and text.

What about to lock the {difficulty} daily challenge, which the player completed it and showing the red notification that the player already did it?

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Also regarding Space Burger, how about there being a chance of a Ms. Piggly being behind of a Space Burger which slowly pops out a bit and when you hover your cursor over her she quickly retracts?

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The Egg Barrels Still Give u Alot of Powerups in Shoot The Core (Egg Barrels)


I reported it the first:

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@InterAction_studios these are the steps:

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I’m sorry.

Could this message number have a different look when there’s an unread special message like the one we got minutes ago?

Bug confirmed. Won’t fix.