Early Access version 44

Make their frequency toggleable? Hmm… Would it be an option in the fleet customization screen?


I mean, some of them should be used only for specific moments…so sure, why not.


Anyways, I was thinking of a wave that has both asteroids and other enemies like ordinary chickens I’ve made a wave such as that already.

Another wave I’m thinking of is one that uses the Level 4 barriers that you see in “Shoot The Core!”.

Neither wave has any proposed name, and I cannot think of any. These are only two pictures I’ve designed based on my imagination, so do what you want with these.


That was a bug and has been fixed:

:bug: Firepower-related quips now only appear when actually gaining firepower (rather than just switching from weapon to weapon) (@Sufi :medal_sports: Bug)


These asteroids reminded me of that specific Asteroid wave in CI2 (I forget its name currently) where you had one asteroid split in parts. Do you think you’re gonna add this IA?

Acknowledged. I was just giving it as an example.

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Added to list.

The “Asteroids! / No, really!” one? Uhh… sure (I think this has been suggested many times before – if anyone wants to claim the medal). Added to list.


Wave X8 (X can be any number from 0 to 10, indicating the chapter). They appear in every single stage except the Asteroid Belt in Chapter 6.

Can we make it so that only one line of the meteors in meteor storm only come from the back? Because when both of them come from the back, it becomes extremely difficult (if not, near impossible) for bombers to even survive. Almost forcing them to use Phase-Outs.

Or at the least, the base multiplier can be increased to make up for the “possible” level of difficulty?


Ironically, I think that would make it harder to dodge than just meteors coming from behind. That’s because you’re gonna have 2 directions to deal with.

Or did you mean a less dense rain of meteors when they’re from behind?


This is unneceſſary.

If the anomaly zones are ſomething viſible, than I’m juſt as happy to find out what they are in-game. I was asking in case it was a behind-the-ſcenes change that would effect what waves were poſſible.


Please Traveller, why did you revive that controversial arguement?


Well, they are indeed that, yes. Like I said it was probably done to support newer waves. Probably. Once again, what I asked was this, not what the waves would be.

Added in v.46 :medal_sports: Idea


This makes sense for mission slots, because there’s so many of them and they can potentially change from mission to mission. But spacecraft should not be something you fully re-equip every mission (if they are, buy more spacecraft).