Early Access version 44

In fact it seemed a bit weird

I had the occaſional problem with that until I figured out the mechaniſm behind the exploſive eggs; the cauſe was that I’d get within range juſt as they reached the bottom of the ſcreen, and then I’d unwittingly run into the ſplats, thinking they were the harmleſs ones.


And now that their yolks turn red, this should no longer be a problem.

not in the flash version of CI3 :v


Well, that could be an interesting mechanic for a certain type of chicken…green yolks maybe?

  • :new: Added “Color blind” mode (@Alucard :medal_sports: Idea)
    What is that?

Some games have a colorblind mode to help players distinguish between in-game items that are normally colour-coded (in the case of CIU, gift boxes are the obvious one, though other things like barrier HP might also be affected).


Thank you


With the Gifts is going to be imposible dont confuse with a Riddler gift at the first impression obiusly :stuck_out_tongue:

The best way to tell how easy it is to recognize gifts is to just run them through a grayscale filter. Using grayscale is a much better choice than using colorblindness filters like protan, deuter and tritan. That’s because if they can be told apart in grayscale, then there’s bound to be an even more obvious difference regardless of what condition you have.

Still though, I’m really glad I managed to help Alucard at least a little bit by mentioning the glasses. Sadly I obviously can’t buy him the glasses as a gift or something, but he could save some money and get them. What’s more, he’s very lucky because, like his test said, people with protanopia react just fine to these glasses.

So here are the original gifts and the latest proposed gifts in grayscale. Spoiler!!!1 Utensil Poker looks exactly the same :scream: :scream:
Jokes aside:

Latest Proposed

To me they seem even easier to distinguish, to be fully honest.
Edit: Except Ion Blaster and Vulcan Chaingun, they look very similar when grayscaled for whatever reason.
Edit 2: Sorry Lilaxon, I can’t change who this reply is targeted at now :no_mouth: I should be more careful, it’s not my first time.


That’s bad. The only way I can think you can help totally color blind people with this problem is to have weapon icons on the gifts. Like for example fork on utensil poker gift.


With three different ſhades of grey, there are 3×3=9 permutations, which iſn’t quite enough, but if you add polkadots and ſtripes as package patterns you get:

patterns (other than plain) × pattern colours × background colours (≠pattern colour) × ribbon colours + background colours × ribbon colours (to account for the plain pattern) = 2×3×2×3 + 3×3 = 36+9 = 45 different boxes, more than enough to allow the excluſion of the leſs diſtinguiſhable ones.

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I think you are right. I completed it in the past. Anyway, thanks for clarifying everything.
Everything is clear now.

Perhaps this is what colorblind mode already adds? Saying this as an assumption. Though I’m pretty curious to see it.

This is wrong. Turns out, individual wave difficulty is in fact capped at 100%. So max (+SSH) is 140%.


Is it really like that? Because when I tried starting a 100% difficulty mission with ssh on, I ended up getting a difficulty above 100% on the difficulty stat(on the end screen). Though it wasn’t above 140%, which is weird. Since the starting difficulty was 100%, and the difficulty caps, it should be 140% all the time, but the end results prove otherwise.
Honestly, I’m totally confused now. Does the end screen count skills? if not, then it did indeed go above 100%.


But how would that work when the mission info says 100% - 100%? Would the difficulty not increase? And as Orandza said, I’m pretty sure I’ve had a mission with 119% difficulty bonus on the end screen, and if it takes the average value from wave 1 to the last wave (in that case 40), it would be ~100% - ~140%.

Individual waves are capped at 100% (ignoring skills). The UI is also capped at 100%. But the ‘true’ difficulty isn’t capped.

Consider a mission 6 waves long and a ‘true’ difficulty of 90%-140%:

  • In the UI this mission would be shown as 90%-100%.
  • The theoretical wave difficulties would be: 90%, 100%, 110%, 120%, 130%, 140%.
  • The actual wave difficulties would be: 90%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%.

Now consider the same mission with a ‘true’ difficulty of 90%-100%:

  • In the UI this mission would STILL be shown as 90%-100%.
  • The theoretical wave difficulties would be: 90%, 92%, 94%, 96%, 98%, 100%.
  • The actual wave difficulties would match the theoretical ones.

When it comes time to calculating your score/key boost however, the average TRUE difficulty is used. So in the first case, the boost would be (90+140)/2=115%, but in the second case only (90+100)/2=95%.

P.S. So what about skills?

  • Skills are ignored in the UI (the mission will still be shown as 90%-100)
  • Skills independently add to the wave difficulty when you’re playing the mission (so you can indeed be playing a max 140% wave on SSH)
  • Skills are ignored in the difficulty boost calculations (because there’s a separate skill boost)

Oh. Alright, then, I guess that’s what confused me.
You might want to edit the “:bulb: “Egg Cannon Cannon Cannon Cannonade” boss: Limited egg shotgun speed to 150% difficulty.” part in your post, then

  • :new:Added “The Compactor Garbage” wave

Garbage chickens? I didn’t understand