Early Access version 41

Orandza’s post is more so about making bosses more diverse instead of repetitive, no that much about making them extremely difficult, at least that’s my opinion. Certain bosses in the game are indeed too easy, while others are too hard now.


The Mysterious Ship is actually not any more difficult than it was before, it’s just intimidating. It’s still disappointing.

Really not much different from using a weapon like utensil.

I never thought this many people would find the 6-laser ship hard, there’s no way I could have predicted that.
I don’t exactly want “bullet-hell”(I actually can’t keep up with too many things on the screen, really), I didn’t even think this would count as that. And generally, my ideas are something I’d rather have for the upcoming skill levels, but I thought the mysteryous ship is one of those bosses that are just way too easy even considering there will be higher difficulties.
Well, I’ve been proven wrong, so nvm.


I don’t know if in the future, there’s a multiplicity applied for final bosses or Egg Multiplicity consisting only egg bosses

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Personally I think the Mysterious Ship is fine. I mean, I died to the 6 beam variant, but only because I wasn’t used to it (it went all the way to the bottom, and instead of moving to its side, I stayed on the diagonal).

As for the Egg Cannon Cannon Cannon, I haven’t fought it yet (I’ll probably look for it today). I like the idea (and it’s certainly a nice meme), but I’m not really sure about its implementation. Should we really have joke bosses in the normal boss pool? I feel like Chicken Exponentiality is sorta in the same box. Just Chicken Multiplicity with different enemies (plus, we now have Special Forces and Special Needs each appear in three different waves, isn’t that a bit much?).

Come on, you can’t tell me this isn’t just showing off.
Yeah, Exponentiality was a great laugh the first time. But I doubt I’ll find it to be particularly enjoyable on subsequent encounters.


Here comes to my old suggestion, bosses are categorized into major bosses and normal bosses.

Major boss will only appear in the end of the mission. Creating somewhat less frustrating mid-level fight, and anti-anti-climatic (lol) end. And chicken exponentiality and egg cannon cannonade are in this category for obvious reasons.

(spoilers alert) There’s one in Daily Challenge Hard


Totally terrified, packs 10 dimentional phase outs and 20 extra lifes just to be sure…


Is it only me, or the orange lasers attack pattern stays the same no matter the difficulty?

If you meant the egg cannon x3, Yes, They stay in the same pattern. Only the amount of lasers shot increase based on difficulty.

It needs to go random on every mission

Ikr, It feels repetitive… But that will make it harder since everytime you won’t get used to the same pattern from the last time so you get confused and then you’ll get hit unless if you dodge very well.

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I think this boss concept has a potential to become a very good raid boss, if something like that will ever get implemented. (For those who don’t know, raid boss is something like special challenge boss that has shitload HP and is insanely difficult and designed to be fought only by the most experienced players.)

I think I will make a more extensive post talking about it and its potential.


(CK-02 Henterprise, 8 lasers Yolk-Star and Egg Cannon v.2 starts resonating)


Reminder that I once created this monstrosity.


@InterAction_studios Excuse me IA, but why did BoredCelestial get a medal for an idea someone else suggested?



…What do you mean now?

IA should probably stop giving medals in discord. Not everyone can see whats happening there.


Lets delete the forum then, we have discord for that anyway?


Umm, what about me?

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