Early Access version 38

What about people with bad network connections? They are easy to lose connection

I find that it’s weird when my fire power go from 20 to 16 even when I didn’t die in Space Race. And being disconnected resets the WHOLE MISSION

No, it doesn’t (in the general case). It would only reset the whole mission if the server didn’t receive any progress saves (which are sent at the end of each wave). Remember that if your connection dies, you can still play for 60 seconds before you’re disconnected. Any progress you make during that time will be lost.

This is an example of exactly what I’m describing above.

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Oh, but can you prevent players to click on medals that are almost off-screen



??? :open_mouth:What?Yes,it’s quite weird

Hmm, it still happens


Which mission is that?

Euphoric Database, on the planet Chi Cyclopes in Canethus


It’s intended, 1% chance to get the same boss of the same type.

It’s a confirmed bug

Guys, wait. I’m investigating.

@Sammarald: Skill SSH?

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It only happens with SSH, yes


i only saw waves repeating in weekly, sorry for being bad.

Um, I haven’t received the idea medal yet…
My in-game username is “Test Pilot #2002” without quotes.

then you won’t receive it. your name in forum must match in-game name.

You can dm IA

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As @trueuser said, you choice is to dm @InterAction_studios.

@InterAction_studios what about this bug?:

it seems since this update came, LF has a visual bug.
When i kill a boss with it, and go to the right, the left laser goes to the previous hitbox for a brief moment.
Happens when using it against blast from the past.
Same happens when going to the left and the right laser goes to the previous hitbox for a brief moment.

Ok, found out what’s going on. It’s technically not the same wave – it’s a different variation of the Egg Cannon. Wave 1 has SSH difficulty 44%, wave 2 has 55%. Above 50% the Egg Cannon’s second variation starts appearing.

Egg Cannon and Henterprise variations are not lumped together (only the Crab is). If I recall correctly, this was requested so you can fight them more than once in a given mission.

So, won’t fix. But your original medal stands, because the appearance probability did indeed have a problem.

@Recruit_75 I’ll award your medal now.

@minasameh Already fixed


Srry if this question sound rare but, some one seen the first Space Crab in harder missions?