Early Access version 37

I still Receive The Honourable Medal with Charity Powerup only in Comet Chases, Is this a Bug or a Local Problem?

Here anoter screen idk why i put.

Oh, yes. I actually forgot why I decided to hit it to the last stage right after it goes up. Now I remember.

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Well, like Hen Vader, why dont put visual effects for the Giant Robotic Space Crab 2.0 in the primary attack?

Will look good, awesome idea.

Yolk star’s beams are static during the fire while space crab’s arms can move while shooting. That means it requires additional coding to connect effect with a laser.

UPD: ok I got the post wrong. Henperror apprentice charging effect is actually cool so why not.


What About Twin Infinity Visual Effect Too? (Chicken Multiplicity)

will look cool, too.

Oh yes, its very good

Could we have a Special Weapon like a Clock that Stop the Enemy Movement for 5-15 sec?

Already suggested in some kind. I remember Emerald even showed a debug option which slows the time.

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*visible confusion *




Why i cant download CIU…


the archive of origin its damaged…
What Chose?
Anule:Cancel The Download
Ignore:follow download it
Retry:Try again

IMPORTANT EDIT:finally i downloaded ciu with other program

Uno reverse card confirmed

You’ll get bug medal anyway because that is a bug lol

one question, why all chickens can see at you, but the chickenaut no?
Chicken Invaders Universe 31_3_2020 00_31_41 (3)
Can add what him see you?

Charity powerups don’t exactly count.

I don’t know if these belong in the “Already suggested” trash bin, but I have two ideas for new insights:

Movement insight: I remember the debug mode showing paths that enemies would take on the screen. Maybe this could be repurposed into an insight. It would be useful for U.C.O. and other bosses, as it would show where they will move next.

Rarity insight: This would show if there are any Uncommon/Rare/Legendary items available for purchase in nearby systems or current constellation. For example, :gem:2|:gem::gem:0|:gem::gem::gem:1 Or if that’s too much, only Legendary items will suffice, since that’s what most people search for. It wouldn’t show what Legendary item the shop is selling, just that it’s worth a visit.

  • :bulb: Collected keys no longer award any points (@BoggY :medal_sports: Idea) (change wasn’t applied to v.36 @minasam123 :medal_sports: Bug)

@InterAction_studios It should be (change wasn’t applied to v.37 @minasam123 :medal_sports: Bug)

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