Early Access version 33

Why the download Early Access topic doesn’t have updated date? EA 33 was released 4 days ago and the date didn’t change.

Because edited posts don’t change date of creation.

So why earlier edits did change dates?

‘‘Download EA’’ topic was unpinned for whatever reasons one time.

Well, this update better since i left game too long. But i wish satellite auto-fire was disabled by default.

“it helps beginners” :expressionless:

Is the game filtered in Iran?
I tested with two of my computers but failed.
What’s the problem?

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The game isn’t filtering any countries. But it could be your ISP filtering some IPs and/or ports? Not sure.

How about comet chase missions? It must be have danger zone on very first wave. It will helpful for beginners.

Why this is “update 33” can be “32.2” =/

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Aren’t they have danger zones on low difficulty?

There is already a 32.2, also, this update, as I have already said, is mandatory.

Yeah, of course, i have tried the mission on low difficulty. It isn’t depend on difficulty but gameplay rules.

i cant play!!!

we can play game in Iran! why? please fix it :pensive:

Will Key Rush test return?

Oops, I completely forgot about that! :flushed: I’ll add them to the next update.


vaguely, when I started CIU on my other account, I didn’t feel like completing it. I

Edit: I dont know how the the lyrics its growed lol

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Why dont Upload “Key Rush” how a Monthly challenge?

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Letters. Lyrcs is for songs.