Early Access version 27

12 Days without Updates

So today I beat the Yolkboi for the first time without dying or superweapons. Party at my house, NOW. You’re all invited.


12 days without new features, except “remove floating satellites”.

Man, the “Known bugs and new features” not updated for 5 days is kinda sad to see.
I’m not complaining it’s just an observation.

Conſider it obſerved.

i want to join a squadron

I’ve sent you a contact request. Accept it and then I’ll invite you to my squadron called the Sentinels it should come within a few minutes from the time of posting.

Gimme your callsign and you’re aboard.

Looks like I’ve got competition here.

We, anyone can enter more than one squadron sooo

so i will join 2 squadrons

Not yet, is your callsign the same as your username, @harakat

Yes it is

yes …

My username is ChickenSlayer

You’re aboard too.

i joined both squadrons

Well I joined the Crimson Crusaders

Can I join your squadron?

Yes you can.