Early Access version 27

I think there should be, because not dying in an entire mission is a huge achievement that should be appreciated

Even in a 5 wave one with 4% difficulty?

Is it a specific multiplier when you get medals in-game or a permanent one based on how many you possess?

If that’s the latter then I highly disagree.

The former. The latter would be dumb.


Then chosen skill, mission length and difficulty should affect too

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That’s better.

Speaking of score, I’d like to talk about the multi-kill bonus.
What if instead of each enemy just giving 250 points, each enemy gave a bit more points than the previous one? For example, the first four would give 100 points each, then the fifth one would give 125, the sixth one 150 and so on. That way getting one big multi-kill would give more points than a few smaller ones.
If that’s considered too much, then maybe a cap could be added after a certain number of enemies, at which point the amount of points per enemy would stop increasing.


It’s eaſy: ſay medal A gives a 5% bonus on ſcore, medal B gives 7%, and ſo on. The only thing is that theſe ſhould be after all the other multipliërs, ſo that a harder miſſion gives a bigger booſt.

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Similar to this one

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Hey, I have a question: Are Space Burger prices fixed at a specific amount?

Yes, 1 food = 0.07 key.

No,they’re not fixed,they depend on the current price fluctuation.


I was thinking these days about multi-kill too, and how stupid it is that two 8 multikills are the same than one of 16.

I was also about to suggest an ‘Annihilation’ bonus, which replaces multi-kill if you cleared the whole wave into one single big multi-kill, it it is over 40, and it is higher than an equivalent multi-kill. Maybe it could be a medal?

And a ‘Pacifist’ medal/very little bonus for not killing a single enemy on the wave

Heck no. Chicken Invaders is not a pacifist game. Sure there are some waves where chicken can fly off and never come back, but it’s not the point of the game. It would be awarding the bad skill.


well it also isnt genocide game so i think it is a neutral

But it is genocide. Chicken genocide, but still genocide. Fact that small amount of chickens can escape doesn’t change it.


:sweat_smile: ok if you say so

Then it should be renamed to “Cowardice” medal and described as “I’m on chicken diet” or “I’m a vegetarian”.

On a larger extent, being “fired” from the UHF as the player don’t do what the UHF assign to them.

The word pacifist is not in the UHF dictionary. The medal should be called: ‘‘Mad chicken disease’’ - ‘‘Do you need to support the enemy, because of your guilt, or you are the actual ENEMY’’ ?