Early Access version 24

I think this ſhould be ſolved by not poſting the time to the milliſecond for this ranking.

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This goes out of the screen when I equip maxed out Legendary Cubic Boron Arsenide Heat Sink.

Please make the space’s background darker. Because space is actually much darker than that.

An idea.
Please add a new section called (live game).
We can play and see others.

Well, space is more colorful and a lot nicer. And the game watch idea was suggested already many times.

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Its not gonna happen. CI background style needs to be colorful^, but in CI terms.

Seems Good
I Think Im Going Back To CIU

Thermal capacity: Fixed in v.25 :medal_sports: Bug

The “most active squadron” message issue has already been fixed. The message itself has more problems – see the changelog.

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Hi @InterAction_studios Where is the multiplayer in chicken invaders universe
and don’t reset my progress please

CI2 background also have some problems that are clearly visible!


I don’t know why the CI1 and 2 background is huge and weirdly placed. It’s kinda… odd to me. I just got used with the standard placement in CI1 and 2.

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Changed in v.25 :medal_sports: Idea

I had to turn my brightness waaaaaaaaay up to see this… :dizzy_face:

Fixed in v.25 :medal_sports: Bug

@InterAction_studios Have the bug medals been awarded to other users yet? I haven’t received them (I currently have 11 bug medals and haven’t received any medal messages in the inbox).

Medal idea: Intergalactic Treasure Hunter - Buy all Legendary items in the game.


Sorry again, but:

This will be very hard to see. Look at the little black point, there the background have the same problem like the one who I showed earlier. Below the point there’s a 2 stars, as you can see 1 of these 2 stars is hiden by this invinsible line. In game is easier to see it.

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@InterAction_studios can you add Arabic language in Chicken invaders Universe please

The starfield was actually fixed here: Early Access version 20/21 but due to an oversight only the 1X texture was updated – the 2X texture was not.

Fixed in v.25 :medal_sports: Bug

@GuestUniverse: Which callsign do you use in game? I see more than one – your medals might have been assigned to the wrong one.

@InterAction_studios My callsign is GuestUniverse2. I’ve lost my old profile (GuestUniverse) because I had my laptop fixed, so can you delete my old profile? (I think it had around 700 million points, but definitely less than 1 billion points)