Early Access version 22

Music doesn’t faded out again.

This is not bug. Boss theme and Meteor Storm, have the same song. Not need fade out for this case


so it seems like darkened asteroids don’t hurt us, I wonder if my idea about asteroid flying in background on planet with ring could get approved


The boss is crazy! The asteroids too! Sadly the wormholes are on different places.


I realy like this boss

Are ateroids have no collision when they are black?

Wait a minute, is this a part of “Alt+Tab” bug?

@InterAction_studios I will really apreciate this, if you make the red asteroids to be not only at the final boss. Sometimes before the boss, just like the regular levels when they appear randomized.

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What about if a few came from behind at low ſpeed for skills above veteran?

Also, about the rings, ſince the animation is 2d, would it be poſſible to copy and paſt a ſmaller animation around the ring as many times as neceſſary?

What if you could make it based off of the size of the asteroid belt’s orbit / distance from the sun (say, if it’s located on the 1st-3rd orbit then the meteors are red)?


Just noticed: The Medal of Extreme Unpreparedness says “WIthout using any mountable equipment” even though if you equip sattelites, lives, rockets and don’t use them, you still don’t get the medal contrary to it’s discription. So fix the discription please, I think a simple “equiping” is good.

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I like that image, but I like the current installer (well, @InterAction_studios could change the installer icon). But I’ve noticed something; the installer asks you to select the language, but CIU is only in English.

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The language is for the inſtallation. The inſtaller is a ſtandard, moſtly computer-generated thing that takes about 10 minutes (max) to make and 30 ſeconds to uſe, ſo it’s not really worth improving right now.

Thank you

Plus,after Early Access,we’ll have a feature that’ll update the game in the game itself(I think).You’ll do the installation and then throw it away.

@VerMishelb: You mean music not playing? Yes, weird things happen during Alt-Tab and I haven’t had the chance to look into it yet.

@Traveller: You could paste the same animation around the ring, but (a) you’re still going to take a proportional performance hit (the current animation has 22 asteroids so you can image how many you’d need to cover the entire ring) and (b) The animation would be obviously repeating in a non-intuitive way (in belts you don’t get small clumps of asteroids orbiting each other).

@Davoid fixed in v23 :medal_military: Bug

@Nikito, @GgWw1175: Will look into creating two different types of asteroid belt (rocky, fiery)


Has anyone noticed that if you get close to asteroids there appear stars on the asteroid, there is a sound and you get points? I really like this. I think the first two were said but I haven’t heard about the stars.

Yes, it gives you more points :slight_smile:

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A static asteroid belt rotating like anything else seems to be the way to go.

About non intuitiveness…potentially there could be an animation every two minutes or so,there could be an asteroid hitting into another.That way,if you’re looking closely,it doesn’t seem so static after all.

A suggestion,if belts are considered getting implemented:

You’ll need an item to explore asteroid belts and the planets inside it and the sun.:Impact Resistant Windshield.If you wanted to travel to anything inside the asteroid belt,maybe there could be a mission to geton the inner side of the belt.Nothing too hard,of course.And if you wanted to get on the outer side of the belt,you’ll have to play another mission.You can’t travel to other star systems without getting on the outer side of the belt.

Of course,this is considering that iA even considers putting belts,and anyway the whole mission thing is too complex in terms of coding(as far as I understand it)

Sorry for the long post.

hey @InterAction_studios how about implementing into the meteor storm the asteroids no really wave from ci2 maybe with more frames

@InterAction_studios now that you added meteor storms, what will you do about yolkon-7 feather fields?