Early Access version 20/21

Ohh boy

Unless you’re joking,
this happened several times in the past.

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Several times.
For example,here Early Access version 13

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@InterAction_studios can you make the satellites appear when the alien mother ship was destroyed? it would be cool

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think the galaxy was actually regenerated. This would imply that all star systems would be completely reset, which clearly hasn’t happened.
Also this:

So, unless I completely misunderstood everything, the galaxy wasn’t regenerated yet. All the changes that require it to be regenerated will take effect after Early Access or, perhaps, when a major update drops that will require the galaxy to be regenerated.

The satelite was active in the beggining, but it was removed because is usseles.

I’m pretty ſure the things labeled “(galaxy regeneration required)” haven’t taken effect yet.

I see now. Guess I misunderstood.

Pretty sure he said that because it wouldn’t be useless now that it appears in boss rush missions.


…and you just found what i was about to say, lol

Hey @InterAction_studios Speak of The galaxy regeneration should be nice to introduce a button an option some kind of this galaxy reset or galaxy regeneration of course with some notable cost for example 5000 keys
PS only for The galaxy not total reset

The galaxy has not been regenerated yet, you’re still playing on the same galaxy since v.1. Features marked “galaxy regeneration required” in the changelog mean that the changes have been made, but they have not and will not take effect until the galaxy is regenerated.

We’ll try to make this galaxy regeneration a “soft” one, meaning that it’s not a full reset and we’ll try to minimize incompatibilities. The planets, suns, and missions will remain the same, but some solar systems will need to be enlarged and/or moved around to accommodate the extra space required by the asteroid belts. We’re currently running tests to determine how this type of regeneration will affect things.

@gabytzu: All players are playing in the same galaxy, so it’s impossible for one player to regenerate the galaxy just for themselves. But for :key:100,000 , you could have the option of regenerating the entire galaxy for everyone :laughing:


price too cheap, should be 1 million keys

Too expensive,should be 1 key,instead

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Its horrible option in my opinion.

You think 100k keys are cheap ?
But I thought IA specially made medal for getting 100 000 keys because it’s expensive

I don’t think if I make my self clear
What I think about galaxy reset: reset The explored planets reset The missions somethink like bigening a new game but maintain your progress why?
Because o of my goals for this game is to complete all’ Kind of missions and when I said All is ALL so I explored all the galaxy anD I don’t know on wich planet there’s a missions left same think about droid
The best option would be some detail in the planet like an X on the planets/droids that are still missions to do

And I’m the first reciver :grinning:

I’m juſt hoping they’ll add something that lets you diſqualify a victim of your choice from a daily or weekly challenge or a ſpace race for 4.184 keys.

Don’t ask why I’m ſuggeſting ſuch a preciſe price; juſt 'cuz.

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