Early Access version 19

It’s not in the game at the moment, but it’s planned to be based on the weapons you pick up during the mission (less used ones get better boost).

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I beat it on hard without extra lives, satellites and superweapons (after attempting easy and medium WITH losing a few lives, I know the format so I can beat hard quite easily).

@InterAction_studios Is there any chance that you will post more videos on YouTube? (After posting the million views trailer for CI4 and CI5 and two teasers for CIU)

Woah that is a lot of Deaths

You have no right to complain, because you picked SSH as a diffuculty. You know how the daily’s work, dont you?

Also since this update i see changes in the galaxy. Maybe its regenerated i dont know, but before i never see planets like this:

It looks like typical Terran planet, but the they have light blue and light green islands. I see a quite often this planets. @InterAction_studios Is this the alternative heightmap palette for Terran planets?

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Yes it is.

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what does the strobe lights do ?

Blinks during mission

does strobe lights help in darkness mission ?

Yeah only CI4 is truly million views.

Other videos with million views:

Well, the most popular CI videos are not more than 1.5 million views.

I think no. Go here, here and here for more information.

Is anoyone else having connection problems? I’m timing out

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Server crashed. Working on it.

Server is back up. It appears that Mr. F.R.I.D.A.Y. tried to cheat :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Still dead for me

Can someone explain how do squadrons work? We can only create squadrons but is there a way to browse through existing ones? Or is EA just dumb…

You can’t browse through them. You can either create one or have someone else invite you to one.

Ok, NOW it’s working again.

Note: Depending on where in the world you live, it might take some time for DNS to propagate to your location. If the server still appears down, try again later.