A lot of small but important bug fixes in this update, and a lot of tweaks to Comet Chase missions (which now include a new boss, courtesy of @Stardrone).
This update is mostly backwards-compatible, but you will lose:
- any in-mission progress
- any menu options you have configured
- [Server-side v16.2] Fixed incorrect daily challenge results.
- [Server-side v16.2] Fixed (potentially) incorrect weekly challenge rankings.
- Medals: Replaced references to “missiles” with “special weapons”.
- Medals: Replaced “moderate” with “intermediate”.
- Trophy is now controlled by mission’s ending (instead of starting) difficulty.
- “Early Access” medal now awarded.
- “10,000 food” medal is now repeatable (if selling more than 20k food).
- Disabled “no deaths” medals if player loses a life but immediately quits game.
- Master Squawker boss now has up to 4 beams depending on mission difficulty.
- Can now use mousewheel to zoom in/out during trips.
- +15 sec time penalty is now applied if you quit a Space Race during the stage transition.
- Added CI3/4/5 victory music tracks.
- Comet Chase missions: Starfield scrolls faster.
- Comet Chase missions: Default music is now CI3 Victory track.
- Comet Chase missions: Key boost is now 500%.
- Comet Chase missions: Comets now spawn across the entire width of the screen.
- Comet Chase missions: Eliminated safe pockets when comets travel slanted.
- Comet Chase missions: Boss wave gives 3x keys.
- Asteroids now use 50% less particles for smoke trails.
- Menu volume sliders now increment/decrement by 1 bar exactly.
- Daily top-10 no longer show number of attempts.
- Yolk-Star yolk now rotates after being damaged.
- UFO saucers now spawn chickens of the correct breed.
- Comet Chase missions: More precise collisions (zeroed texture origin_adjust).
- Added Henlley’s Comet boss.
- Space Race: Fixed incorrect top-10 ranking.
- Trophies: penalty is now applied to relatively short missions (starting below 50% of maximum length).
You are reminded that during Early Access you are responsible for backing up your own progress. Make a copy of everything under C:\ProgramData\InterAction studios\CIU
(including all sub-folders).