Early Access version 122

So basically you are saying the order of the chickens that help the Yolk gets refreshed by few days?

I mean the progress bar, not the progress % number
The progress bar doesn’t show up when the progress is being made

are you sane?
this bar is 115 pixels wide, so 0.3% worth 0.345 pixels, rounded down to 0. do you understand?

this one has a length of 720 and i put 0.3% on it, 0.3% is worth 2 pixels


It’s not a bug. Just believe us.

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be silent if you are not contributing to the discussion

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Random idea for IA because it matters:

Oh, and if the idea is actually added, maybe randomize the quests for every prestige instead of players playing the very, very same quests over and over?

I know, my idea is probably stupid, but it might have a little bit of merit since a few players (including myself) have been sweating over quests, and one of us is literally almost a Supreme Admiral already.

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No, I don’t wanna do infinite quests, my goal is to reach Supreme Admiral as fast as possible, and this ruins it, plus more pain.

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I’m almost there, so you’ll find out soon

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You’re not forced to prestige.

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Yes, but actually is a few hours

android version works perfect
 but i think you said that multiplayer will be disabled? anyways works better than my pc

If you check your screenshot veeeeeery carefully, you’ll see that the right side of the rhombus is slightly bumpy. That’s your progress bar :wink:


It’s not mathematically correct, but I have changed it in v.123 to make it clearer (:medal_sports: Idea)


bug (android):
white movement circle always shows when at bottom of screen

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What a thing. I guess you have a very good eye sight.

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Should bosses stop shooting to the place where a player died at (out of lives)?
Because its kinda annoying a bit
In multiplayers btw

I think the timers for some missions might be broken again. I just did a GC mission and I got two different timers. The first one is just before I clicked Skip and the second one is in the result screen. I noticed this when I did the Space Race shortly before but I didn’t get a screenshot of the first screen.

is it that hard to fix graphics on mobile? like here

this is the mobile one
and this is the pc you can immediately tell the difference between pc and mobile

Why can’t the exploration medal be obtained twice?

It can.

It can?