Early Access version 121

So, i was thinking to improve in this part from this mission type but eventually imagine if we already got that laser droid enemie (which it’s gonna to appear in the highest difficulties only as an exclusive) together were the one at the bottom, maybe it wouldn’t be necessarily for this one?


Will the Android version share progress with the PC version (if we link it with our E-mail), or will it be a separate game?

Because Android 12L is a more tablet centric OS on Android and IA “just” said that tablet only versions is considered spam nowadays. Thus, if it can operate on 12L without much issues, then it won’t be a problem down the line.

Forgot about them. Poor satellites

Yes, really. 70MB of space for android app is crazy low nowadays. Messenger takes like 48MB to download. Allow me to emphasize that: 48MB TO DOWNLOAD. Not free space.

Doesn’t matter. It runs apps like normal. Only with better multitasking and side by side view for foldables.

Yeah, they are.

[*] for satellites


Another idea for Boss’s Halloween costume:

Shoot the skull


I was mounted the “Sweet Cuisine”, but Instead It appear to be the “Vegetarian Cuisine”

Until the next wave It changed to “Pizza Cuisine”
Is the cuisine randomly change?

It’s always randomized during Droid Raid missions, no matter which Cuisine you mounted beforehand.


Nope, depends in randomly food that it would pick it instead the food one that you picked it but eventually it is exclusive to these missions there’s not way to do it if you would to changing everytimes in an row on it, i guess.


or let’s see if it’s gonna to happen to use these 3 of them from the foods ones then that it would work or pretty not, i noticed it has been correctly in these ones did you make sure tired of them?

how to get red herring food

It’s on Shady Dealers, though not all of them

uh, yes really. I totally agree.

poll results came in

seems like “Reduce medals required by 50%, and increase unique missions required by 25%.” is the winner

I didn’t bother with the sounds at all, they are all ‘original’.

Translations will continue as normal.

No. This is the default icon for when the slot is empty. Otherwise what would it show when you haven’t mounted any skill?


The rules for new users will be the same as the rules for EA users.

Because I didn’t want to recreate the texture, which is more work. But I also did not want to simply leave it blank, because it might put off some new players that see the game for the first time and don’t actually understand that this is a seasonal edition.

That would make them unreadable with certain color themes.

Perhaps. Not now, though.

Want what? For their accounts to be reset? Just create a new account.

Yes. But, some leaderboards might need to be separate (remains to be seen).

For technical multiplayer reasons, Droid Raids always use random cuisines.

Will make that change later today.


So, are you going to recreate the texture later?


Changed in v.121.2 (server-side) :medal_sports: Idea


Server will reboot in 5 minutes to apply this update.


You can get them by visiting Shady Dealers, but they are rare.

is it me or the henterprise’s hitbox never act like this?

That’s why i disconnected from the game lol